For this assignment, select one of your favorite influencers and analyze their mandates according to Chapter 3, “Media Industry Mandates” and Elmhirst’s article. First: Define the four media mandates. Remember to quote from the text.

For this assignment, select one of your favorite influencers and analyze their mandates according to Chapter 3, “Media Industry Mandates” and Elmhirst’s article. First: Define the four media mandates. Remember to quote from the text..

all the information will be added no outside information is needed. In Chapter 3 of Understanding Media Industries by Timothy Havens and Amanda Lotz, “Media Industry Mandates,” we are introduced to the mandates (an official order or commission to do something) in the media industry. Havens and Lotz propose that there are 4 distinct mandates, of which commercial is by far the most common. Sophia Elmhirst’s article, “It’s genuine, you know?’: why the online influencer industry is going ‘authentic’” is a case study of the changing mandate of one media industry.
‘It’s genuine, you know?’: why the online influencer industry is going ‘authentic’
For this assignment, select one of your favorite influencers and analyze their mandates according to Chapter 3, “Media Industry Mandates” and Elmhirst’s article. First: Define the four media mandates. Remember to quote from the text.
Second: Explain what Elmhirst means that the Industry of Influence is going “authentic.”
Third: Introduce your chosen Influencer. Link to the account and/or include screen shots of it.
Fourth: Explain which mandate or mandates the account is fulfilling; give examples of the how the Influencer is fulfilling that mandate; describe how the Influencer displays authenticity and assess how successful it is.
GUIDELINES FOR DISCUSSION BOARD SUBMISSIONS.docx Remember to answer the questions:
1) Which one of the four mandates do you see, or do you see a mix of two or more?
2) How does the influencer go about fulfilling that mandate?
3) How does the influencer show authenticity?
article link ;

For this assignment, select one of your favorite influencers and analyze their mandates according to Chapter 3, “Media Industry Mandates” and Elmhirst’s article. First: Define the four media mandates. Remember to quote from the text.


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