For this assignment you must write a program that implements aBINGO management system.The management system should be able to create/delete player accounts, assign/removeBINGO cards to each player, display the layout of a card, markcards, and declare BINGO’s.A BINGO card is a 5 x 5 grid with columns labeled

For this assignment you must write a program that implements aBINGO management system.The management system should be able to create/delete player accounts, assign/removeBINGO cards to each player, display the layout of a card, markcards, and declare BINGO’s.A BINGO card is a 5 x 5 grid with columns labeled.

For this assignment you must write a program that implements aBINGO management system.The management system should be able to create/delete player accounts, assign/removeBINGO cards to each player, display the layout of a card, markcards, and declare BINGO’s.A BINGO card is a 5 x 5 grid with columns labeled B, I, N, G, O; each cell contains a number between 1 and 75. In traditional BINGO, the numbers for each column are restricted, column B contains only the values 1 to 15, column I’s values range from 16 to 30, column N’s values range from 31 to 45, column G’s values range from 46 to 60, and column O’s values range from 61 to 75. In addition to these restrictions, every cell in the gridis unique (no duplicated values). The central cell of the grid is usually considereda free cell and thus has no assigned value –we can assign it the value of 0 for ease of notation.The game of BINGO consists of randomly generating numbers from 1 to 75,announcing them to the players, giving them time to mark their cards and declared BINGOs, then repeating the process. A player declares a BINGO if 5 marked cells form a row, column, or diagonal. The game assumes that those numbers are generated elsewhere and is only concerned with managing the cards and declaring BINGO.Because each card contains 24 separate elements of data in its 5×5 grid, cards will be represented by an integer that is the seed for the series of random numbers which generated the card’s values. Your program shouldimplement a text-based interface capable of handling the following commands:exit –exits the programload<file>-parses the contents of the file as if they were entered from the command linedisplayuser <user>–displays a list of the user’s cardsdisplay –displays a list of the users and their cardsdisplay card <card>-display the specified game–clears each card of their current markings.mark <cell>-mark the given cell for every card being managed and check for a BINGO.add user <user> -add a new user to the game

add card <card> to <user> -add the given card to the specified user. Report failure if the card is duplicate.remove user <user>-remove the specified user.remove card <card>-remove the specified card.Note: <cell>is an integer between 1 and 75. <card>is the integer id for the card; how this works is described below<user>is a single word

For this assignment you must write a program that implements aBINGO management system.The management system should be able to create/delete player accounts, assign/removeBINGO cards to each player, display the layout of a card, markcards, and declare BINGO’s.A BINGO card is a 5 x 5 grid with columns labeled


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