Generally there is no nation-states in the Middle East even though Arguably Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Israel are nation-states. The straight borders established without regard to ethnic groups, religions and cultures amongst those countries by global powers after WW1. and this is the most important factor in this region since their independences onward in shaping their domestic politics and regional politics and relations with global powers.

Generally there is no nation-states in the Middle East even though Arguably Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Israel are nation-states. The straight borders established without regard to ethnic groups, religions and cultures amongst those countries by global powers after WW1. and this is the most important factor in this region since their independences onward in shaping their domestic politics and regional politics and relations with global powers..

Generally there is no nation-states in the Middle East even though Arguably Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Israel are nation-states. The straight borders established without regard to ethnic groups, religions and cultures amongst those countries by global powers after WW1. and this is the most important factor in this region since their independences onward in shaping their domestic politics and regional politics and relations with global powers.

For each level in domestic, regional and international politics, Some IR theories such as Identity politics, Realism, Constructivism etc should be considered.


Roger Owen, State, Power and Politics, Chapters 1 & 4.

Fred Halliday, The Middle East in International Relations, Part.1

Raymond Hinnebusch and Anoush Ehteshami, The Foreign Policies of Middle East States, Chpts. 2-3

Gregory Gause, ‘Systemic Approaches to Middle East International Relations’, International Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, (1999).
Juan Cole and Deniz Kandiyoti, ‘Nationalism and the Colonial Legacy in the Middle East and Central Asia’ IJMES, Vol. 32, No.2, (2002)

Web sources:

May Darwich, The Challenge of Bridging IR and Area Studies in Middle East International Relations Teaching’, LSE Blog, (18 August 2015), May Darwich, ‘Great and Regional Powers in the Middle East: The Evolution of Role Conceptions’, POMEPS Studies, No. 34 (2019),

Type of assignment: Academic paper writing
Type of assignment: Essay
Subject: Political science
Pages/words: 11/3075
Number of sources: 5
Academic level: Bachelor
Paper format: Harvard
Line spacing: Double
Language style: UK English

Generally there is no nation-states in the Middle East even though Arguably Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Israel are nation-states. The straight borders established without regard to ethnic groups, religions and cultures amongst those countries by global powers after WW1. and this is the most important factor in this region since their independences onward in shaping their domestic politics and regional politics and relations with global powers.


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