Group decision making

Group decision making.



For this assignment, think about some recent meetings you’ve attended where a significant decision had to be made. Think carefully about how some of the problems regarding group decision making that were discussed in the background readings apply to what you’ve experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

Are all voices equally heard, or are some people afraid to speak up? Are participants in the meeting afraid to contradict senior management?
Is time spent at the meetings productive, or is a lot of time wasted?
Are the decisions that are made solid ones? Or do they suffer from problems mentioned in the background materials such as groupthink?
Are ideas expressed at meetings creative and original, or are original ideas discouraged?
Based on what you’ve described in Questions 1–4 above, what kind of group decision-making process would you recommend be used in meetings you attend? Base your answer on readings from the background materials such as Rao (2009), Bolland and Fletcher (2012), and Sims (2002).




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Group decision making


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