GROUP PROJECT As a group you are to choose, create a case study for a real-life situation that has occurred..
I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation. GROUP PROJECT As a group you are to choose, research and create a case study for a real-life situation that has occurred. You and your group are to analyze its outcome and effect. Lastly your group is to take a stand for or against this case study elaborating your stance and giving your reasons. You must provide the following:•Thesis Statement• Written Paper• Presentation THESIS STATEMENT A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience. Use it to generate interest in your topic and encourage your audience to continue reading. Requirement —1 page—-3-4 paragraphs WRITTEN PAPER Written Paper must include: APA Format o A Title Page –1 page o An Introductory Page –1-2 pages o A Body–6-8 pages o A Conclusion Page –2-3 pages o A Reference Page –1 page o At minimum, the Written Paper should be 11 pages o At maximum, the Written Paper should be 15 pages TOPIC: HUMANISTIC THEORY OF MOTIVATION