Health promotion programs

Health promotion programs.


Each population has some specific health issues that can require health promotion programs. American Indian population attracts attention in this context because of the specific state of affairs. Although this population has several main health issues for which health promotion can be required, all these issues can be solved by following the directions that cause a generally healthy lifestyle.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.), the main issues in the American Indian population is diabetes, obesity, and tobacco use. Even though those are three different issues, the health promotion for solving them is quite similar. Such promotions have to be generally focused on a healthy lifestyle. This means healthy nutrition – less fat and sweet food and more healthy food and balanced nutrition. The next item is physical activity – starting with such common advice as more walking and ending with making sport a healthy habit. This advice is also helpful for coping with tobacco use. This habit often appears when a person has stress with which it is hard to cope. However, sport is helpful in decreasing the level of stress, and therefore, it can be useful to break the smoking habit. Therefore, one can see that advice directed on causing a healthy lifestyle is helpful for coping with health issues, widespread in the American Indian population.
This way, one can see that even though the American Indian population has several main health issues that can require healthcare promotion programs, all these issues can be solved by following the directions that cause a generally healthy lifestyle. The issues of diabetes, obesity, and tobacco can be solved with healthy nutrition and physical activity.” 282

Define the injury/condition.
Discuss the etiology. What can cause this injury/condition to occur?
Where would this patient go for proper diagnosis of the injury/condition and how is it diagnosed? Name any tests, evaluations, imaging, etc.
How is this injury/condition treated?”

The post Health promotion programs first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Health promotion programs


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