HGE401: Hotels and the Guest Experience

HGE401: Hotels and the Guest Experience.

Subject Code and Name HGE401: Hotels and the Guest Experience
Assessment Essay
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
1. Understand the concept and development of professionalism within the broader tourism, hospitality and
events industry;
2. Critically evaluate how changing consumer behavioural trends are impacting customer service;
3. Explore the correlation between culture, customer experience and business experience;
4. Assess a range of strategies that hotels can take to improve their customers’ experience
Submission By 11:55pm AEST Advised by Academic Services
Weighting 100%
Total Marks Pass / Fail
This assessment task requires you to explore the concept of guest experience and, specifically, the role that
human interaction has in creating delightful service experiences in hospitality and tourism. It aims to enable
you to recognise the importance of emotions in the process of interaction between employees and guests, as
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well as gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of key guest experience concepts. This
assessment will also help you investigate how hospitality intelligence competencies can help operators in
managing the human interaction that shape the guest experience. Instructions:
This assessment task requires you to write a 1000-word essay based on the topic of the “guest experience in a
hotel context and the role of emotions and human interaction in creating memorable experiences”.
Specifically, you will synthesise research from academic literature and industry publications and draw
conclusions based on your research. To help you frame your essay, you should read widely and incorporate
this reading into your discussion.
The readings provided throughout the unit are the best place to start.
HGE401 Supplementary Assessment Brief Page 1 of 4 It is expected that this ACADEMIC piece of writing
will at minimum, include:
• An academic definition of guest experience, as it relates to hospitality and tourism.
• An evaluation of the role and importance of emotions and human interaction in the creation of guest
• A discussion on the competencies hospitality professionals require to create memorable guest experiences
(please refer to the conceptual framework of hospitality intelligence proposed by Bharwani and Juanhari,
2013, and studied in class). Please use examples related to the hotel industry to support your discussion.
In writing this assessment, you are required to follow the Assessment Structure Style Guide of an Essay. You
are to write your essay in third person.
Ensure you are reading widely and incorporating relevant academic and professional literature to support and
extend your discussion; as well as showing competency in the assessment. Cite your sources appropriately
using APA 6th Edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide on SharePoint.
A TUA assessment cover sheet must be attached to your paper.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your Business Report via in electronic form as a word-processed file.
Students must refer, in text and in an associated reference list, to a minimum of 8 academic sources, plus
others as required in order to show competency in the assessment. Up to three of these can be academic
textbooks, with a minimum of five academic journal articles. Blogs and other unverifiable sources will not
count as references.
Note: the total word count, excluding executive summary and references, must be within 10% (+/-) of the
assessment word count.
Assessment Criteria:
Your submission will be graded against the following criteria:
1. Ability to critically appraise literature, using a wide range of sources
2. Knowledge of theory, and the use of insightful and appropriate content
3. Analysis of theories appropriate to the topic
4. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of context
5. Clarity of communication (including spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing according to APA 6th
edition referencing)
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Assessment Criteria Fail
0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Knowledge and understanding (technical and theoretical
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Limited understanding of required concepts and
Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the
research/course materials.
Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and information
substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from
the research/course materials and extended reading.
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information
substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
Content, Audience and Purpose (broad and
specific content)
Demonstrates no awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment.
Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or
purpose of the assignment
Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment.
Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment.
Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and purpose of the assignment.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new
Limited synthesis and analysis.
Limited application/ recommendations based upon analysis.
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new knowledge with application.
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature. Well-developed analysis and synthesis with
application of recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with application of pretested models and / or
independently developed models and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with existing knowledge.
Strong application by way of pretested models and / or independently developed models. Recommendations
are clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Applying
knowledge to new situations/other cases.
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Effective Communication
Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting
Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning.
Word count does not meet assessment requirements Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a
way that is not always clear and logical.
Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Line of reasoning is easy to follow.
Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well
supported by evidence.
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Demonstrates cultural sensitivity.
Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a
clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Engages and sustains audience’s
interest in the topic, demonstrates high levels of
cultural sensitivity
Effective use of diverse presentation aids, including graphics and multi-media.
Quality of research- Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always
explicit or well developed. Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and
develop ideas.
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and
statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence Demonstrates use of
high-quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Shows evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence
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HGE401: Hotels and the Guest Experience


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