HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写

HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写.

HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写
 HNN222 Mental Health and IllnessAssessment Task 2Weight: 2000 word essay, 35% of overall markPurpose of Assessment Task 2A wide range of biopsychosocial strategies are used in the treatment and care of people with mentalillness, with nurses playing an important role in delivering quality and safe patient care as members ofthe multidisciplinary team.The purpose of this assessment task is to extend your knowledge and understanding of strategiesused in mental health settings, and the nurse’s role in caring for people with mental illness. Thisassessment task builds on the knowledge and skills attained in the weekly seminars.Assignment question:Select and evaluate one strategy from the list below and explain the nurse’s role. Youranalysis should focus on how this strategy assists the client towards recovery.1. Mental Health Assessment2. Restraint and seclusionUnit learning outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning OutcomesThis assessment task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate the following UnitLearning outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes;Unit Learning OutcomesULO1  Identify the impact of mental illness on the patient, significant others and society;ULO3  Select and evaluate evidence-based care strategies for patients experiencing symptoms thataim to promote functional capacity and reduce risk;ULO4  Explain the psychopathology of selected mental illnesses and apply the principles of therecovery model for mental health careDeakin Graduate Learning OutcomesGLO1  Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to adiscipline or professionGLO 2 Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate andeffect changeGLO 4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problemsGLO 6 Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personalactions2Submission information:This assessment task is to be submitted into the designated assessment dropbox for this unit.Due date: Friday April 28, 2017 – assignment to be submitted no later than 11.59pm.To ensure appropriate support is available should any technical issues arise, you are stronglyadvised to submit your assignment into the designated dropbox before 4pm on the duedate.You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properlyuploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.Extension RequestsRequests for extensions should be made to Unit/Campus Chairs well in advance of theassessment due date. Please follow the link for detailed information and form. ConsiderationYou may be eligible for special consideration if circumstances beyond your control preventyou from undertaking or completing an assessment task at the scheduled time.See the following link for advice on the application process: instructions for assessment taskThe following resources are helpful in completing this assessment task.1. You may also use information from the following sources to support your analysis: governmentwebsites, professional bodies, and the Mental Health Act 2014.2. Should you need further support in developing your assignment or with your writing skillsDeakin provides a number of resources which you might find helpful at the following site Draw on theoretical concepts of patient safety and risk management provided in the unit.4. Access relevant contemporary literature to support your discussion. References should mainlyinclude refereed journal articles but recommended texts can be referred to as well.5. The suggested readings in the unit are a good place to start. References to websites and/orWikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task.6. Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric available beforesubmission. This enables you to make sure you have addressed the relevant unit learningoutcomes.Presentation:Front page: to include student name and number, Assignment title and word count.3Adhere to word limit requirements (see penalties section of unit outline)). The wordcount does not include headings, references page, reference citations and directquotes.A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at theend of the assignment.Appendices (if applicable) are attached after the reference list pageTable of contents: Do not include a table of contents unless instructed to do soSpecific presentation requirements as per APA style guide. (2012). Retrieved fromhttp://www.apastyle.orgFont:12-point type size (never use a larger point size for headings or on the title page).Use Times or Times New Roman.Spacing:Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the referenceslist entries.) Use one space after all punctuation except certain periods withinabbreviations, quotations or parentheses (e.g., p.m.; “et al., 2014”).Page numbersPage numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number intop right hand cornerMargins2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.Paragraph indentsIndent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes.References list indentsApply the hanging indent for the second and subsequent lines of a reference.Justification of textAll text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified.Your assignment must be converted to a PDF document before submission. Please checkthe document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed.Software for converting word documents to PDF is available to download from the Deakinsoftware catalogue at no cost.4Structure:Must contain a purposeful introduction that outlines some general background to thetopic, an aim and purpose and themes for discussion. The body of the assignment willusually constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported byliterature. The body of the assignment is normally organised in paragraphs ofapproximately 150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea.There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linkedarguments/discussion made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with atopic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph, and show a logical progressionof ideas/argument. The conclusion paragraph should provide a summation of ideas, drawtogether the discussion, present no new material (references are not expected in theconclusion paragraph) and offer your position drawn from the discussion.Academic writing:Adheres to conventions of written English (Australian version) eg. word choice,professional language, grammar, use of appropriate sentence structure, punctuationand spelling.Use of direct quotations: unless really necessary, most assignments do not requirethe use of direct quotes. Instead, re-expression of author arguments into your ownwords (paraphrasing) is required. If a direct quotation is used, you must explain howit adds to the discussion.Referencing styleAcknowledge sources and must adhere to referencing conventions as per APA Style(see rubric) Mental Health NursingAssessment Task 2: 2000 words and 35%Total marks: 100Performance High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass UnsatisfactoryStandardsDemonstratesunderstanding ofthepsychopathologyand impact ofmental illness onthe person(ULO1 and 4)(30 marks)All elements ofthis crerionmet withoccasional minorerrors/gapsAll elements ofthis criterionmet with severalminorknowledgeerrors /gapMost elements ofthis criterion metbut has many minorknowledge errors/gaps or onesignificant gap orerrorMeets mostelements of thecriterion but hasmore than onesignificantknowledgeerror/gapsDoes not demonstrateunderstanding ofpsychopathology and/or theimpact of mental illness on thepersonDemonstratesunderstanding ofthe nurse’s role inusing principles ofrecovery andevidence-basedstrategies toimprovefunctionalcapacity andreduce risk(ULO 3 & 4)

HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写(25 marks)All elements ofthis crerionmet withoccasional minorerrors/gapsAll elements ofthis criterionmet with severalminorknowledgeerrors /gapMost elements ofthis criterion metbut has many minorknowledge errors/gaps or onesignificant gap orerrorMeets mostelements of thecriterion but hasmore than onesignificantknowledgeerror/gapsDoes not demonstrateunderstanding of the nurse’srole in using principles ofrecovery and /or evidence-based care strategies toimprove functional capacityand/or reduce riskRelevant, peerreviewed,literature selectedand used tosupportdiscussion(20 marks)All elements ofthis crerionmet withoccasional minorerrors/gapsAll elements ofthis criterionmet with severalminorknowledgeerrors /gapMost elements ofthis criterion metbut has many minorknowledge errors/gaps or onesignificant gap orerrorMeets mostelements of thecriterion but hasmore than onesignificantknowledgeerror/gapsLiterature selected was eitherirrelevant or inadequate and/or not used/rarely used tosupport discussionReferencing styleis accurate andconsistent withAPA style(15 marks)All elements ofthis crerionmet withoccasional minorerrors/gapsAll elements ofthis criterionmet with severalminorknowledgeerrors gapMost elements of thiscriterion met but hasmany minorknowledge errors/gaps or onesignificant gap orerrorMeets mostelements of thecriterion but hasmore than onesignificantknowledgeerror/gapsConsistently incorrectreferencing styleAssignment ispresented andstructuredaccording toinstructions.ANDWriting is inaccordance withstandardlanguageconventions(10 marks)All elements ofthe criteria metwith occasionalminor errors/gapsAll elements ofthe criteria metwith severalminor errors/gapsAll elements of thecriteria met but hasmany minorknowledge errors/gaps or onesignificant gap orerrorAll elements ofthe criteria metbut has more thanone significantknowledgeerror/gapsErrors ingrammar,sentence and / orpunctuationwhich detractfrom readability attimesNot presented according toinstructions. Lacks expectedstructure.Multiple errors inspelling/grammar and/orpunctuation that significantlydetracts from readabilitythroughout.80%+ 70%+ 60%+ 50%+ <50%HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写

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HNN222 Mental Health and Illness assignment 代写


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