How might measures of task performance, subjective performance and contextual performance be monitored to account for the behaviors of such an employee?

How might measures of task performance, subjective performance and contextual performance be monitored to account for the behaviors of such an employee?.

Consider an employee who is not physically in the office, as in the case of remote work.
1.How might measures of task performance, subjective performance and contextual performance be monitored to account for the behaviors of such an employee? (label what examples you give as task, subjective or contextual).
2. What might be some ways that a supervisor can keep track of whether a remote employee is engaging in effective workplace behaviors, OCBs, or CWBs?
Note: Think of Traditional ways of measuring employee performance (e.g., tardiness, “face time” at work) and what can be done instead. What other ways can supervisors document the completion of work in a timely manner, good communication, being proactive in addressing questions or problems, and similar metrics. How should supervisors direct their employees for successful performance and keep them on track.

How might measures of task performance, subjective performance and contextual performance be monitored to account for the behaviors of such an employee?


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