How similar do you think the real life presentation of self on social media is to the portrayal in this episode?Discuss.
First Review
Watch and review this movie: ) , thereafter, formulate a discussion board response by considering the following questions:
How is class represented in In Time?
What stands for wage in the film?
Why do some people get to live forever? How fair do you think this system is?
How hard do the workers work vs. the immortals?
How does the labor theory of value apply to the movie?
How reflective do you think In Time’s depiction is of class in America?
Some additional helpful materials have been uploaded.
Second Review
Watch the movie-(ON NETFLIX)
thereafter, formulate a discussion board response by considering the following questions:
How does this episode of Black Mirror demonstrate social interaction?
Why is one’s social media status so important in “Nosedive”? In real life?
How similar do you think the real life presentation of self on social media is to the portrayal in this episode?
How did this episode make you feel about social media?
Primary references should be the movie, any other references are additional.
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