Identify the significance of  the Magnet Culture 

Identify the significance of  the Magnet Culture .

This paper focuses on to Identify the significance of  the Magnet Culture and Journey in today’s healthcare environment.

Identify the significance of  the Magnet Culture

More details;

The Magnet Recognition Program is an international accreditation system that recognises nursing excellence in healthcare organisations. It is run by the accreditation wing of the American Nurses Association. It is based on research showing that creating positive work environments for nurses leads to improved outcomes for staff and patients. Evidence suggests that Magnet hospitals have higher percentages of satisfied nurses. Lower turnover, fewer vacancies, improved clinical outcomes for patients. Greater nurse autonomy and enhanced patient satisfaction than non-Magnet hospitals. This article gives an overview of Magnet. Further, its process and potential benefits. Also, highlights how the journey towards recognition involves culture change.

The crisis in nurse recruitment and retention in the UK is fuelling an interest in the Magnet Recognition Program (MRP).

An international accreditation system for nursing excellence developed in the US. Built on creating work environments that attract and retain nursing talent. Additionally, empower nurses to deliver exemplary patient care, Magnet is overseen by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), an affiliate of the American Nurses Association (ANA).

Magnet recognises healthcare organisations for nursing excellence and high-quality patient care, as well as for achieving higher satisfaction and less burnout among nurses (ANCC, 2017a). It is based on research showing that creating positive professional environments for nurses leads to improved outcomes for staff, patients and organisations (ANCC, 2017b).

This article describes the fundamentals of Magnet and discusses its outcomes from the perspective of the Magnet programme director at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, one of three UK organisations currently engaged in the process of obtaining Magnet recognition.

The percentage of nurses and midwives leaving the NHS has risen every year since 2011; in 2014 alone 17,800 nurses left before retirement age (National Audit Office, 2016). Figures released in summer 2017 show that, for the first time, more nurses and midwives are leaving than joining the two professions: in 2016/17, 45% more exited the register than entered, with a notable rise in the exodus of nurses in the early stages of their careers (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2017).


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Identify the significance of  the Magnet Culture 


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