Identify the typology (from the textbook) that best suits this crime you researched If none of the typologies from the textbook fit well, feel free to develop your own!

Identify the typology (from the textbook) that best suits this crime you researched If none of the typologies from the textbook fit well, feel free to develop your own!.

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Carefully read Chapter 10 in the textbook. After reading:
Select one type of property crime that interests you
Research a news story of a recent example of the property crime you selected (5 years or less)
In your response, give a brief synopsis of the crime and criminal
Identify the typology (from the textbook) that best suits this crime you researched If none of the typologies from the textbook fit well, feel free to develop your own!
Be sure to post a link to the news article at the bottom of your reply
be sure to reply to at least two classmates by stating if you agree or not, and proving feedback. Classmate Reply #1
Arson is known to be “the cheapest crime in the world to commit” due to the low cost and less complicated methods that could be used during the commission of the crime (Hagan & Daigle, 2020, p.287). Arson is classified as a special-category offense because the motives of the offenders often vary. There are profit-motivated arson, revenge arson, crime concealment arson, sabotage arson, and excitement arson. Arsons that are motivated by profits often correlate with insurance fraud and are frequently committed by criminals of professional white-collar crimes. Revenge arson is primarily driven by hatred and jealousy. Crime concealment arson takes place to destroy physical evidence, make murder victims vanish, and draw people’s attention away from the primary crimes that occurred at other places. As for sabotage arson, it is often seen in civil riots, conflicts, and other disturbances. Lastly, excitement arson is often torched by pyromaniacs, who immersed themselves in the observation and fascination of fire. On July 18th in 2019, Shinji Aoba, a 42-year-old Japanese man set fire to Kyoto Animation, an anime studio known for its work of Violet Evergarden (Dooley, 2020) and Free! (Ogura, Regan,& Wakatsuki, 2019). The fire killed 33 employees and injured another 33 members of the corporation. Aoba himself was also severely injured by the fire that he ignited with gasoline. According to the police, Aoba claimed the Kyoto Animation had plagiarized the work from his novel. When Aoba was setting fire to the studio, he shouted, “Die!” (Dooley, 2020). Aoba exhibited the typology of revenge arson, which is often propelled by jealousy, hatred, and the desire to make things even. Offenders of this typology also resemble criminals of violent crimes who aim to express their intense emotions (Hagan & Daigle, 2020, p. 288). Classmate Reply #2
The property crime that interests me the most is arson. Arson is a special-category offense which involves the purposeful setting of fires. There are 5 common typologies when dealing with crimes of arson. These include profit-motivated, revenge, crime concealment, sabotage and excitement. Profit-motivated arsons involve purposely torching a property in effort to collect on their insured value. Revenge arson occurs out of spite/jealousy as a means of getting even. Crime concealment arson is used as a way to dispose of murder victims and/or physical evidence. Sabotage arson mostly occurs during labor strikes and prison riots. Finally, excitement arson is carried out by pyromaniacs who have a fascination with setting fires.
A recent news story that involved a string of arsons occurred in Rockland County on 4/2/21. Although the identity of the suspect is unknown, the suspect’s MO was to initially set a small basement fire in effort to cause enough damage that the occupants relocate. After the house was empty, another fire was set, this time larger than the first and on the second floor. A total of three fires occurred all either early in the morning or late at night. We can assume that the time of day chosen was to minimize the number of eyewitnesses. The typology that best suits this crime is excitement arson. I believe excitement arson best fits this crime because the suspect not only set houses on fire once, but then came back and did it again. Clearly, the suspect got a thrill out of setting the houses on fire and therefore went back for a second time, this time with a larger fire.

Identify the typology (from the textbook) that best suits this crime you researched If none of the typologies from the textbook fit well, feel free to develop your own!


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