Image analysis: choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine

Image analysis: choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine.

Your fourth essay will be a 2-4-page image analysis.  Choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a website, or elsewhere.  What is this image saying to you?

Image analysis: choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine

Your fourth essay will be a 2-4-page image analysis.  Choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a website, or elsewhere.  What is this image saying to you?  Along with summarizing it and its background, you may want to focus on some of the following: Why did you choose this image?  Is it memorable or unremarkable?  Does it facilitate learning or foster misconceptions?  Is it trying to get you, as the viewer, to take some sort of action?  What does the image say about our society?  You may review the tips on the handout as well as ideas in the Literary Analyses chapter for further ideas.

For this essay, you will need to attach a photocopy of the image to your paper, and you must cite both the image and any other research you may do.  As always, please double-space your work and type it in 12-point font, and include your name, the date, the assignment, the class name and time, and your title at the top of the essay.



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Image analysis: choose an image that you’ve seen in a magazine


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