Importance of Charity

Importance of Charity.

Charity is an important aspect in the community and it is the responsibility of people to donate towards a significant issue that requires support (Smipes 2010). An article developed by Anik (2008) states that all organizations including non profit organization should give to charity as an important element to serving the community.  On the other hand, An article developed by Sanders (2013) states that charities provided are in a position to change people’s lives and have a high impact to the communities. On the other hand Vesterlund (2010) focused on tax deductions as a result of giving to charity and stated that when charity is provided the total amount of the donation is deducted. On the other hand, Schervish, Harley & John (2002)in their  article  states that personal satisfaction is enhanced  through  the charities people make by enhancing a significant connection to a service woman or a man. Additionally List (2010) in his article provides an argument that charities make the world a better place where by they assist in the provision of effective services and goods to people unable to access such products.

People do charity as a result of providing some assistance to some specific problematic issues.  Turcotte (2012) states that people and organizations involve in charity work in order to provide assistance to a certain issue. The society is encompassed with different issues as well as concerns and it is the responsibility of every individual to offer support to the society. An article developed by Vesterlund (2010) states that individuals in the society should act as one element in times of offering special assistance to the society, in this way charities are important and hence people should be ready to make charitable contributions. Additionally, Smipes (2010) supports the idea that people should do charity and as a result it is an approach of expressing love to the community.

According to an analysis developed by Snipes (2010) indicated that approximately 145 males and 160 females were in a position to make charity work while a small number of 170 provided charity. Social pressure is one of the factors that influence people to give to donations. According to Vesterlund (2008) states that approximately 90% of people in America were in a position to make donations in 2000. One of the main influencing factors was as a result of people understanding the reasons as to why charity is significant to the society and as a result many of them understood that charity would highly benefit them (Schervish , Harley  & John  2002).   Motivation from people is anther factor that influences their giving to charity. In this way, List (2010) states that when individuals are provided with the initiatives of how charity can contribute during economic down turns and provided with the motivational future towards charity they are in a position to provide donations. According to an Article developed by Anik (2008) states that   behavior of charity contribution is one of the main factors that influence charity contribution. According to Anik, self centered behavior in individual is supposed to be initiated in order to enhance the aspect of charity. On the other hand, Sanders (2013) stated that the market for donations should illustrate transparency and honest based on the specific issue that needs to be supported. Individuals will automatically retaliate from giving if the charitable markets are dishonest and do not show the aspect of transparency in their initiatives.





Smipes R (2010) Charitable giving to non- profit organizations: retrieved from

Vesterlund L. Why do people give charities; retrieved from

List  ( 2010) The market for charitable Giving; Retrieved from

Anik L(2008). Feeling Good about Giving: The benefits ( and Cost) of self- interested Charitable Behavior; Retrieved from

Sanders M (2013) Applying Behavioral Insights to charitable giving, retrieved from

Turcotte M (2012) charitable giving by Canadians; retrieved from

Schervish P, Herlihy M & John H (2002) Charitable Giving: How Much, By Whom To What, and How? Retrieved from






Importance of Charity


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