In this assignment I find myself in ISIS controlled Syria/Iraq during ISIS’s mos

In this assignment I find myself in ISIS controlled Syria/Iraq during ISIS’s mos.

In this assignment I find myself in ISIS controlled Syria/Iraq during ISIS’s most powerful time (2015) and I am “arrested” by ISIS like US Aid worker Kayla Mueller. My “crime” is being a Christian infidel in the Islamic Caliphate. As a “criminal” in the eyes of ISIS, like Kayla Mueller, I end up dead. In the scenario and analysis my “crime” is being an American Christian in the Islamic Caliphate. I am a US Citizen that is giving aid to refugees on the Turkey/Syria border. I am “arrested” (basically captured/kidnapped) by the ISIS’s Islamic law enforcement officers.
I do not have any type diplomatic immunity help or even a chance of any recognized international organization’s intervention. ISIS is not negotiating with the US for my release. The US is only attempting to track my whereabouts in order to plan a rescue mission. Describe ISIS’s relations with the United States
What is the ISIS’s version of basic government structure and its relationship to the criminal justice system?
What is the basis of law in ISIS controlled territory?
What are the major components of the criminal justice system in ISIS controlled territory?
What crime did you commit? Being a American Christian helping refugees on the Turkey/Syria border. I’m accused and sentenced to death for “promoting” Christianity by simply being there. How was I caught? I was “caught” (kidnapped) while on the Syria side of the refugee camp. Explain the specific law regarding promoting Christianity in the Islamic Caliphate.
Explain from first contact through kidnapping, torture, and painful interrogation my experience with ISIS’s Islamic law enforcement officials.
Explain the detention process I will experience as a foreign national for being an American Christian accused and sentenced to death for “promoting” Christianity by simply being there.
Explain the judicial process I experienced for being an American Christian accused and sentenced to death for “promoting” Christianity. Explain the detention, corrections, and/or incarceration process I experienced for being an American Christian accused and sentenced to death for “promoting” Christianity.
Provide an analysis on:
The effectiveness of the ISIS’s version of a criminal justice system. The human rights perspective of how I was treated through the lens of ISIS.
You must use the following sources:
At least 8 recent, peer reviewed sources.
You may use .gov sources as your recent, relevant, and academic sources as long as the writing is academic in nature (authored works).

In this assignment I find myself in ISIS controlled Syria/Iraq during ISIS’s mos


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