In your video, tell us the story of the case, and its outcome. Do you agree with the outcome? would you have concluded something different? why?Explain

In your video, tell us the story of the case, and its outcome. Do you agree with the outcome? would you have concluded something different? why?Explain.

Final Assignment — The Music Industry
Select any case from any year, and any country from

1. Go to and upload a 7-10 minute presentation of the case. Be sure you include the music and Lyrics of the songs and the arguments of the parties.

2. In your video, tell us the story of the case, and its outcome. Do you agree with the outcome? wouLd you have concLuded something different? why?

Your grade will depend on:

1. Your command of the case

2. The quality of your presentation — don’t read, explain, incorporate the songs in the video, engage your audience.

3. Your legal analysis. authorization to access to copyrighted material., amount of material copied, economic effects.

The deadline would be announced soon. Check the message from the registrar’s office.

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In your video, tell us the story of the case, and its outcome. Do you agree with the outcome? would you have concluded something different? why?Explain


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