Interpersonal Communication – Week 2 AssignmentPersonal IdentityFor your essay

Interpersonal Communication – Week 2 AssignmentPersonal IdentityFor your essay.

Interpersonal Communication – Week 2 Assignment
Personal Identity
For your essay interview/talk with someone you have a close relationship with (such as spouse, friend, sibling, student advisor, etc.) about how you communicate or are labeled. Use the Johari Window Diagram to diagram how you communicate with them.  What would you both put in the four quadrants? What insights can you draw from this diagram and how does that person see you? Was this your reflected appraisal of yourself? How did things move from the Hidden quadrant to the Open quadrant, or from your Blind to Open quadrant, with that person?
Do you agree with the guidelines in the textbook for enriching the self toward maintaining a healthy identity? Share why you agree or don’t agree. Apply what you’ve learned this week and write one goal you’ve created to improve your self-concept. Provide a detailed analysis of yourself incorporating the reading and textbook material.
Your paper should be 500 – 750 words (roughly 2 – 3 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.

Interpersonal Communication – Week 2 AssignmentPersonal IdentityFor your essay


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