Introduction to Technical Article Review 代写

Introduction to Technical Article Review 代写.

Introduction to Technical  Article Review 代写

1Assessment 2 Article Review and PosterDiploma of EngineeringDiploma of Information TechnologyIntroduction to Technical CommunicationEITC001 IITC001SEMESTER 03 2017Credit points : 6Pre-requisites : noneSubject Coordinator : Julie SparksWeight: 25%Due Date: Week 5 (Article Review) Week 5 (Poster)ASSESSMENT TASK 2 : LESSONS LEARNT IN ENGINEERING AND IT –ARTICLE REVIEW AND POSTER PRESENTATION (WEIGHT 25%)TASK DESCRIPTIONStudents individually investigating an engineering or IT failure. One source is selectedon the case study for analysis according to the scaffold taught in the subject. A posteris created to inform the class about the topic.LEARNING OUTCOMES• (a) understand the role and value of communication in academic and professionalengineering and IT environments• (b) use the UTS Library and Internet to access information using research and readingskills• (c) write competently in English, in a variety of genres, demonstrating your knowledgeof referencing, synthesis of information and the rules of plagiarism• (d) participate effectively in peer learning activities• (e) perform competently in oral communication situations with appropriate visual aids• (f) demonstrate an ability to express technical and other concepts throughgraphical/mathematical/visual communication• (g) demonstrate creativity in presentations• (h) reflect on personal learning experiencesNote : The information in this subject outline was correct at the time of printing. However, you should checkeStudent regularly for any updates to the information contained in this subject outline.2BRIEFPart A: Lessons Learnt in Engineering and IT – Article Review 900 words 20%Students investigate an engineering or IT event where there were lessons learnt that can beapplied to future projects. The failures or events do not have to be catastrophic and can relateto process, maintenance, human error, construction techniques, design etc. Students canchoose from a list of topics or, in consultation with their Tutor, nominate their own. Studentsfind ONE (1) suitable and reliable source on their Lessons Learnt case study. The sourceshould ideally be around 2-6 pages. Students should focus on the background to the eventrather than the lessons learnt. Include peer review checklist with your report.Questions that COULD be answered include:•  When did the event occur?•  Who did it involve?•  Where did it happen?•  What happened?•  Why or how did it happen? What was the cause?•  Who was responsible?•  What was the cost – lives and money?•  Anything else of interest – but NOT engineering lessons learnt.Part B: Lessons Learnt in Engineering and IT – Poster Presentation 5%Students prepare a one page poster and have one-two minutes to tell the class about theirtopic.The poster is presented in class Week 5. Students can select their own creative way to presentthe poster but it must be single page shown on computer screen. Presentation must introducethe topic to the class. Poster should contain both text and graphics. Poster should beuploaded to TURNITIN before presentation.DUE DATEPart A: Lessons Learnt in Engineering and IT – Article ReviewDue Week 5Part B: Lessons Learnt in Engineering and IT – Two Minute Poster PresentationDue Week 53STYLE GUIDE REQUIREMENTS• Each written task must be stapled.• Submission is via hard copy. TURNITIN is a plagiarism check.• Submit a soft copy of each written task to Turnitin and a hard copy to your tutor at thestart of class. Include a signed UTS:INSEARCH cover page.• Print single or double sided A4 paper.• Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font.• Use 1.5 spacing and at least 2.5cm page margins.• Include a header and footer on each page with:o  Header: subject name and code, title of assessment tasko  Footer: your name and student number, page numberNOTES Your assignment must be free of plagiarism and be written by yourself without assistance. Late assignments will not be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances and/or you makearrangements in writing with the tutor before the due date. (See the subject description for further details.) If your assignment receives a pass mark or higher, the mark is final. Your tutor will explain why youwere awarded the mark, but cannot change it. Always keep electronic and/or hard copies of your assignments. Things can go wrong andassignments can go missing. If they do, it is your responsibility to be able to re-submit your workwhen requested.4Assessment CriteriaHD  D  C  P1Layout andIntroductionidentification,academic reliability10%Assessment followedstyle guide.Exceptionally well setout. Exceptionally clearidentification of text, andanalysis of its academicreliability. Includessecond source forverification.Assessment followedstyle guide. Very wellset out. Clearidentification of text, andanalysis of its academicreliability. Includessecond source forverification.Assessment followed styleguide. Well set out. Morethan satisfactoryidentification of text, andanalysis of its academicreliability of the text.Assessment followedmost elements of styleguide. Well set out.Basic identification oftext, and analysis of itsacademic reliability.2Introductionpurpose, preview10%Exceptionally clearenunciation of purposeand preview of textualanalysis andexceptionally conciseand comprehensiveoverview of the mainsections and purpose ofthe source text.Clear enunciation ofpurpose and preview oftextual analysis andconcise andcomprehensive overviewof the main sections andpurpose of the sourcetext.More than satisfactoryenunciation of purposeand preview of textualanalysis and more thansatisfactory overview ofthe main sections andpurpose of the source text.Basic enunciation ofpurpose and preview oftextual analysis andsatisfactory overview ofthe main sections andpurpose of the sourcetext.3Evidence of ActiveReading15%Richly detailed evidenceof active reading andnotes was submitted.Questions/answers aredetailed and well-paraphrased. Full,Harvard-UTS styledreference is present onnotes.Richly detailed evidenceof active reading wassubmitted.Questions/answers arewell-paraphrased.Important details ofreferences are presenton notes.Sufficiently detailedevidence of active readingwas submitted.Questions/answers arewell-paraphrased.Important details ofreferences are present onnotes.Passably detailedevidence of activereading was submitted.Questions/answers arewell-paraphrased.Important details ofreferences are presenton notes.4Summary20%Excellent summary ofmain points and therelationship betweenthem.Very good summary ofmain points and therelationship betweenthem.Good summary of mainpoints and the relationshipbetween them.Adequate summary ofmain points and therelationship betweenthem.5Conclusion 10%  Excellent summary ofreport and concludingstatement of relationshipof text to the semestertopic. Excellent detailsof further research.Very good summary ofreport and concludingstatement of relationshipof text to the semestertopic. Very good detailsof further research.Good summary of reportand concluding statementof relationship of text tothe semester topic. Verygood details of furtherresearch.Adequate summary ofreport and concludingstatement of relationshipof text to the semestertopic. Good details offurther research.6Referencing5%In-text reference presentand correct. End-of-textreference present andcorrectIn-text reference presentwith only insignificanterrors or omissionsand/or end-of-textreference present withonly insignificant errorsor omissions.In-text reference presentbut with minor errors oromissions and/or end-of-text reference present butwith minor errors oromissionsIn-text reference presentbut with significanterrors or omissionsand/or end-of-textreference present butwith significant errors oromissions7Language andparagraph structure10%Meaning is very clear.Paper has consistentlycorrect grammar,spelling and paragraphstructure.Meaning is very clear.Paper has predominantlycorrect grammar,spelling and paragraphstructure.Meaning is clear. Paperhas only insignificanterrors in grammar and/orspelling and/or paragraphstructure.Meaning is generallyclear. Paper has a fewerrors in grammar and/orspelling and/orparagraph structure.8Poster Presentation20%Research was presentedin a very clear way withexcellent voice, eyecontact and bodylanguage. Poster wasengaging.Research was presentedin a clear way with verygood voice, eye contactand body language.Poster was engaging.Research was presentedin a clear way with goodvoice, eye contact andbody language. Posterwas engaging.Research was presentedin a clear way. Oneelement of voice, eyecontact or bodylanguage hinderedpresentation. Poster wasengaging.5Assessment CriteriaF3  F2  F1  F01Layout andIntroductionidentification,academic reliability10%Assessment followedmost elements of styleguide. Well set out. Weakidentification of text,and/or analysis of itsacademic reliability.Some elements of thestyle guide missing.Layout and presentationpoor. Unsatisfactoryidentification of textand/or analysis of itsacademic reliability.Style guide not followed.Layout poor. Does notinclude identification oftext, and/or analysis of itsacademic reliability.No identification ofthe text or analysisof its academicreliability2Introductionpurpose, preview10%Weak enunciation ofpurpose and/or preview ofreport and/or less thancomprehensive overviewof the main sections of thetext or purpose missing.Report and/or text previewand/or purpose may bemissing.Report preview andpurpose missing or textpreview and purposemissing.No purpose andpreview.3Evidence of ActiveReading (SQ3R)15%Passably detailedevidence of active readingwas submitted. Questions/answers are well-paraphrased. Importantdetails of reference aremissing on notes.Passably detailedevidence of active readingwas submitted but largesections of thequestions/answers areeither not paraphrased orare poorly paraphrased.Important details ofreference may be missingon notes.Evidence of active readingwas submitted but issparsely detailedAND/OR no source wassubmittedNo evidence ofactive reading wassubmitted.4Summary20%Inadequate summary ofmain points and/or therelationship betweenthem.Incomplete summary ofmain points and/or veryweak relationshipestablished between them.Very weak and incompletesummary of main pointsand/or no relationshipestablished between them.No summary of mainpoints.5Conclusion 10%  Weak summary of reportor concluding statement ofrelationship of text to thesemester topic. Weakdetails of further research.Very weak summary or

Introduction to Technical  Article Review 代写concluding statement ofrelationship of text to thesemester topic. No detailsof further research.No summary of reportand/or concludingstatement does not relatetext to the semester topic.No details of furtherresearch.No conclusion.6Referencing5%In-text reference presentwith serious errors oromissions and/or end-of-text reference present butwith serious errors oromissions.In-text reference mostlyincorrect and/or end-of-text reference mostlyincorrect.In-text reference missingand/or end-of-textreference missing.No referencing.7Language andparagraph structure10%Overall meaning is clear.Paper has some errors ingrammar and/or spellingand/or paragraphstructure.Overall meaning isunderstandable. Paper hasmany errors in grammarand/or spelling and/orparagraph structure.Some parts are hard tounderstand. Paper hasmany errors in grammarand/or spelling and/orparagraph structure.Report unreadable.8Poster Presentation20%Research was presentedin an understandable wayhowever one or twoelements of voice, eyecontact or body languagehindered presentation.Poster was reasonable.Poster was not loaded onto TURNITIN.Presentation was not veryclear or did not discussthe case study. Poster wascluttered and/or hard tounderstand. Poster wasnot loaded on toTURNITIN.Presentation was difficultto understand and / or noposter was prepared.Poster was not loaded onto TURNITIN.No presentation.Introduction to Technical  Article Review 代写

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Introduction to Technical Article Review 代写


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