Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?

Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?.

Guideline: Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them? Whatever your views on the internet, there is no doubt that its influence is ever-growing and that more and more people are using it as time goes by

Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?

Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?

More Details:

Whatever your views on the internet, there is no doubt that its influence is ever-growing and that more and more people are using it as time goes by – there are currently over 1.6 billion users of the World Wide Web.

As internet use increases, there is a growing debate about whether or not it actually helps to bring people closer together.

Certainly when web designers create websites, it is often for companies who are looking to reach out to their customers and keep them up to date with what their business is working on, suggesting the intention to bring people closer together is there in theory.

So does this actually work, or does the internet only serve to isolate us?

The Internet brings us closer together

Probably the best argument in favour of the internet bringing people closer together is the fact it is a global phenomenon. People from all over the world are online, sharing content and using the same websites. This gives both individuals and businesses more opportunities than ever before to

extend their networks and reach out to people they may otherwise never meet.

This is best seen in the growth of social networks, which are massively popular.

Facebook is probably the best example of this, which has over 500 million active users and is still growing.

People often use the website to connect with friends and contacts, such as people they knew at school but have since lost touch with.

Seen in this manner, the internet does bring us closer together as it offers a platform through which people

can interact not just with people they know, but with people in other countries.



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Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?


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