.Is yourprimary textandauthor clear?2.Is the number of sourcessufficient for this assignment?3.Are the sources of the right type? That is, are they critical and interpretiveworksfrom libraries and library databases?

.Is yourprimary textandauthor clear?2.Is the number of sourcessufficient for this assignment?3.Are the sources of the right type? That is, are they critical and interpretiveworksfrom libraries and library databases?.

1.Is yourprimary textandauthor clear?2.Is the number of sourcessufficient for this assignment?3.Are the sources of the right type? That is, are they critical and interpretiveworksfrom libraries and library databases? Are they scholarly? Is there a balance of printand electronicsources?4.Is there a clear introductionto the essay? Does it provide some sort of focus to the summaries to follow? Is it of the right length (not too short, but not too long)?5.How are the summaries organizedand presented?6.Is the paragraphingrelevant to the themes(or sources); are theresufficienttransitions from one summary to the next?7.Is it clearin each summary what source is under discussion?8.Isparaphrasedistinct fromdirectquotation?9.Is the material properly “digested” and synthesized?10.Are the tag lines and signal verbs clear and appropriate to the material?11.Is the material clearly cited(that is, can you tell who says what in the paraphrases and quotations?12.Are the quotations conciseand economical? Are they properly punctuated, and are they grammatically consistentwiththeir framing sentences?13.Doyouuse simple present tensein reference to the criticism? Ex: “Jones argues…” as opposed to “Jones argued…”. Does the author also use simple present tense on theprimary-text plot references?(Such referencesshould be minimal, in any case.)Ex:“When Beowulf kills Grendel…”as opposed to “When Beowulf killed Grendel….”)14.Is the language useclear and fluent? Do you see any errors in word form, word choice, punctuation, or sentence construction?15.Is the essay developedenough?16.Is the essay well organized?17.Doyoustay focused on presentation of the critical summaries? Remember that in this type of essay, there is little or no discussion of the primary text on the part of the author himself or herself.18.Is direct discussion of the primary text kept to a minimum? Remember that the focus is not on the primary text so much as it is on the critical sources.19.Check the MLA format guidelines, and look at the samples. Is the essay formattedproperly?Check linespacing, font size and type, titling, indentations, running header, first-page heading information, parenthetical citations as needed, etc.20.Look at the Works Cited: Is it formatted correctly? Ordered correctly? Are listings for books, articles, and various sorts of online materials properly presented? Can you cross-referencethe in-text citations with the relevant Works Cited entries?

.Is yourprimary textandauthor clear?2.Is the number of sourcessufficient for this assignment?3.Are the sources of the right type? That is, are they critical and interpretiveworksfrom libraries and library databases?


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