It is often assumed that face perception and recognition are “special”, and different from the perception and recognition of non-face objects. Critically evaluate this hypothesis, based on findings from behavioural studies, from research using brain activity measures, and from research on visual agnosia and prosopagnosia.

It is often assumed that face perception and recognition are “special”, and different from the perception and recognition of non-face objects. Critically evaluate this hypothesis, based on findings from behavioural studies, from research using brain activity measures, and from research on visual agnosia and prosopagnosia..


2. It is often assumed that face perception and recognition are “special”, and different from the perception and recognition of non-face objects. Critically evaluate this hypothesis, based on findings from behavioural studies, from research using brain activity measures, and from research on visual agnosia and prosopagnosia.

Perception, Attention, and Performance – Autumn Term 2020

Below you will find four (4) essay questions. Pick ONE (1) of these questions and write an essay answering it. Essays must be 2500 words long (+/- 10%).

Your essay should follow these rules:

• Examine the essay question. Make sure you are answering the question, and not just describing the material presented. For example, for question 2, refer to the hypothesis that face processing is special, and provide evidence for this from different types of research, including neuroimaging and patient studies. Explain why and how this evidence supports this hypothesis. Also consider alternative views. Read some original sources.

• Structure – you must structure the material in a way that allows for a logical sequence of ideas. Each paragraph / statement should follow sensibly from its predecessor. The essay should ‘flow’.

• Elements: You essay should have an introduction paragraph, a main body and a conclusion. These sections should all be linked.

• The Introduction is particularly important. Here, you should provide a preview of the structure of your essay, the main arguments that you are going to present, and your conclusions. This should be a single paragraph with no more than 4-5 sentences.

• Each paragraph should comprise a main theme that is illustrated and developed through a number of points (supported by evidence).

• Feel free to use figures to illustrate your points if appropriate (e.g., when referring to brain anatomy). Do NOT simply cut and paste a figure from a publication (plagiarism!), but create your own figure(s), and paste them into your essay. Make sure to include a figure legend that explains what is shown in this figure, including a key for any abbreviations you may include (e.g., FFA: fusiform face area).

• Knowledge and Understanding – recognise, recall and show understanding on a range of materials that accurately reflects the main issues investigated in a particular research field, and different theoretical perspectives.

• Critical Evaluation – arguments should be supported by appropriate evidence and/or theory from the literature. All facts MUST be cited. Evidence of independent thinking, insight, and evaluation of the evidence should be provided.

• Quality of Written Communication – writing clearly and succinctly with appropriate use of paragraphs, spelling and grammar. All sources referenced accurately and in line with APA guidelines. Please look at the APA guideline document on Moodle.

• Reference list – your essay must have a reference list at the end of the essay, which details the research cited in your essay. Your essay MUST reference peer-reviewed journal articles. You may NOT reference Wikipedia, or non-reviewed websites. These are not considered acceptable scientific references.

• Plagiarism – you may not copy from ANY source. The essay must be entirely in your own words. The Turnitin system to which you will be submitting your essay will compare your essay to all websites, published materials, essays submitted to other universities, and essay banks. If you are found to have plagiarised, there will be academic penalties.

The post It is often assumed that face perception and recognition are “special”, and different from the perception and recognition of non-face objects. Critically evaluate this hypothesis, based on findings from behavioural studies, from research using brain activity measures, and from research on visual agnosia and prosopagnosia. appeared first on Essay Quoll.

It is often assumed that face perception and recognition are “special”, and different from the perception and recognition of non-face objects. Critically evaluate this hypothesis, based on findings from behavioural studies, from research using brain activity measures, and from research on visual agnosia and prosopagnosia.


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