ITECH7407 – Real Time Analytics

ITECH7407 – Real Time Analytics.

CRICOS Provider No. 00103D | RTO Code 4909
ITECH7407 – Real Time Analytics
Assessment Task – Team Assignment
For this assessment task, you will work in a team to write a research report to outline the rationales, challenges and benefits provided by real-time analytics applications.
Timelines and Expectations
Total Percentage Value of Task: 25%
Group Presentation Percentage Value of Task 10%
Group Presentation Due (Week 8 –Allocated Laboratory)
Group Report Percentage Value of Task 15%
Group Report Due (Week 9 Sunday 5pm)
Minimum time expectation: 40 hrs
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment task:
• K1. Apply the principles, methodologies and applications of real time systems in diverse domains.
• K2. Identify and explain the architecture components of real time systems.
• K3. Communicate the key drivers for big data in terms of efficiency, productivity, revenue and profitability to global organisations.
• K4. Identify and describe types of big data, and analyse its differences from other types of data.
• S1. Integrate data warehouse and business intelligence techniques when using big data.
• A1. Communicate security, compliance, auditing and protection of real time big data systems.
• A2. Adopt problem solving and decision making strategies, to communicate solutions to organisational problems with key stakeholders, based on analysis of big data, in real time settings.
• V1. Value the need to work collaboratively and autonomously on organisational real time big data problems.
• V2. Appreciate the need for big data techniques given that conventional information technologies cannot effectively handle the size, the scale and growth of real time big data sets.
Assessment Details
For this assignment, you will need to a research report of about 3000 words focusing on one of the following topics
• Big Data privacy
• Big data governance
• Strategic issues stemming from BI&A and big data
• Change management issues stemming from BI&A and big data
Some of the important references are:
1. Constantiou, I. D., & Kallinikos, J. (2015). New games, new rules: big data and the changing context of strategy. Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 44-57.
2. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact. MIS quarterly, 36(4), 1165-1188.
3. Ketter, W., Peters, M., Collins, J., & Gupta, A. (2015). Competitive Benchmarking: An IS Research Approach to Address Wicked Problems with Big Data and Analytics. MIS Quarterly. (forthcoming)
4. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., & Barton, D. (2012). Big data. The management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 61-67.
5. Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., and Byers, A. H. 2011. “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity,” McKinsey Global Institute.; access on 4 March 2016.
6. Kallinikos, J., & Constantiou, I. D. (2015). Big data revisited: a rejoinder. Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 70-74.
7. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., & Barton, D. (2012). Big data. The management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 61-67.
8. Kallinikos, J., & Constantiou, I. D. (2015). Big data revisited: a rejoinder. Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 70-74.
9. Sharma, R., Mithas, S., & Kankanhalli, A. (2014). Transforming decision-making processes: a research agenda for understanding the impact of business analytics on organisations. European Journal of Information Systems, 23(4), 433-441.
Form a group of 3 – 4 members, and following the following points to complete the assignment.
1. Each group is expected to choose one of the above topics and write a research report of about 3000 words.
2. Each report should referenced a minimum of 15 peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers.
3. The report should be well researched and written in accordance with APA referencing style.
4. Final deliverable consists of a presentation (10%) in week 8 and a research report (15%) in week 9.
5. Presentation of your work in this project would be of 10-minute duration.
6. Each team is expected to present their report findings as part of the “Team Report Presentation” assessment task during week 8. You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description. Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.
7. All reports must use the APA referencing style. University Referencing/Citation Style Guide:
The University has published a style guide to help students correctly reference and cite information they use in assignments (American Psychological Association (APA) 7th citation style,
8. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.
Recommended Process
It is recommended to follow the steps below to accomplish the assignment.
Step 1. Discuss with your team members to select a research topic.
Step 2. Conduct literature review in relation to the selected topic. It is recommended to use Library search portal and database catalogue to search academic articles in peer-reviewed journal and/or conferences. Summarise the findings, and then discuss and critique the different aspects of the selected topic and how these aspects collectively enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge. This can be done individually first, then merge individual work together.
Step 3. Based on the literature review and discussion, present your personal insights into the topic, e.g., in terms of benefits, limitations, applicability, feasibility, etc. These insights should be the own thoughts of your team but not from others. The personal insights are expected to be backed by evidences such as references, facts, quotes, supporting data, etc.
Step 4. According to the provided marking criteria to prepare the report in terms of structure and content. It is recommended to use professional reference management software, like Endnote (available from Library Website) or Reference Manager, to maintain and generate the references.
Step 5. Each member prepares the presentation slides to cover the part that he/she has done for the report. Articulate these slides in a clear logic flow.
Submit to the drop box on Moodle.
Marking Criteria / Rubric
Refer to the attached marking guide.
Feedback will be supplied through Moodle.
Authoritative results will be published on fdlMarks.
Academic Misconduct
To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Federation University Australia Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures (
You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced, and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.

Team Report Marking Guide – Marks 100
Weighting: 15 % for Team Report Student IDs:
Assessment Criteria:
Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0)
Presentation Information is well organized, well written, and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Correct layout used. Information is organized, well written, with proper grammar and punctuation. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, proper grammar and punctuation mostly used. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, but proper grammar and punctuation not always used. Some elements of layout incorrect.
/05 marks
Structure Structure guidelines are even enhanced. Structure guidelines are
followed exactly Structure guidelines are mostly followed. Some elements of
structure are omitted
/10 marks
/10 marks Introduces the topic of the report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader’s interest.
Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall -plan- of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report in an engaging manner which arouses the reader’s interest.
Gives some general background and indicates the overall -plan- of the paper. Satisfactorily introduces the topic of the report.
Gives a general background.
Indicates the overall -plan- of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report, but omits a general background of the topic and/or the overall -plan- of the paper.

Discussion of
/50 marks All topics discussed in depth. Displays deep analysis of issues with no irrelevant info. Thoughtful personal insights are included. Consistently detailed discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues and no irrelevant Information. Reasonable personal insights are presented. Most topics are adequately discussed.
Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Some personal insights are presented. Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant information.

/15 marks An interesting, well written summary of the main points.
An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. A good summary of the main points.
A good final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. Satisfactory summary of the main points.
A final comment on the subject, but introduced new material. Poor/no summary of the main points.
A poor final comment on the subject and/or new material introduced.

/10 marks Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged.
Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes & acknowledged.
All paraphrased material acknowledged.
Mostly correct setting out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material Some problems with the reference list. Not all material correctly acknowledged. Some problems with the reference list.

/100 marks
Total1 out of 15
Team Presentation Marking Guide – Marks 100
Weighting: 10% for Team Presentation
Students are expected to create and present a 10-minute overview of the findings from their Team Report.
Student IDs:
Marking sheet:
Criteria Marks
Introduction /10
? Breadth of discussion
? Depth of discussion
? Personal insights /55
Conclusion /10
Presentation Style
? clarity, engagement
? good visual aid /15
Team participation
? smooth transition, clear articulation among induvial presentations /5
? 10 minutes ± 1 min /5
SubTotal /100
Total 2 /10
General Comments:
Team assignment Total = Total 1 + Total2.

ITECH7407 – Real Time Analytics


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