Journal articles.
Pick ONE of the journal articles listed below. Each one evaluates, with collected research data, an antibullying program which is currently implemented or has been implemented in schools.
2. Briefly and succinctly describe how the program works.
3. Briefly and succinctly describe scientific evidence in the article that supports or critiques the program.
Provide a brief critical analysis of the program.
4. Be sure to include in-text citations in APA style and list each chosen article in your Reference List in APA
Hallford, A., Borntrager, C., & Davis, J. L. (2006). Evaluation of a bullying prevention program. Journal of
Research in Childhood Education, 21(1), 91+.
Minton, S., O’ Mahoney, M., & Conway-Walsh, R. (2013). A ‘whole-school/community development’
approach to preventing and countering bullying: the Erris Anti-Bullying Initiative (2009–2011). Irish
Educational Studies, 32(2), 233–249.
Tsiantis, A. C. J., Beratis, I. N., Syngelaki, E. M., Stefanakou, A., Asimopoulos, C., Sideridis, G. D., &
Tsiantis, J. (2013). The effects of a clinical prevention program on bullying, victimization, and attitudes
toward school of elementary school students. Behavioral Disorders, 38(4), 243+.
The post Journal articles first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.