Listening and Feedback

Listening and Feedback.





CASE STUDY: “The Withholding Coworker”

Relationship: Two coworkers who report to the same supervisor.

Context: You and a coworker are members of the same marketing department in a Fortune 500 firm.
You have worked closely with this other person for the past eight months and have developed a causal relationship outside of working hours. You both enjoy your work seem to like the company and the industry, and are dedicated to seeing your organization succeed. One of the reasons you like the work is that others who have preceded you in these positions have quickly moved on to “bigger and better things” within the company.

Issue: You feel that your coworker does not share information with you that is essential for you to be a n effective department member. You suspect, in fact, that your coworker may occasionally withhold
information (e.g., changes in team meeting times and locations, scheduling details, feedback from field visits) so that you don’t look as good in the eyes of your supervisor. You have asked to meet with
your coworker to talk about this situation.

Read the below Case Study: “The Withholding Coworker” and then write a paper that is grammatically correct, 600 – 800 words in length, and cites sources in accordance with APA standards addressing
the below questions with answers that provide a detailed explanation of the analysis and demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.

1. Describe a listening and feedback strategy to improve your relationship with the co-worker, utilizing the guideline of what, when, and how to give effective feedback.

2. Review your listening habits and analyze your habits for effectiveness, then answer the following reflective question about the concepts presented in this assignment:

a. Describe a listening and feedback strategy to improve your relationship with a friend or family member, utilizing the guideline of what, when, and how to give effective feedback.

b. How does communicating with a friend or family member differ than when
communicating with a fellow worker?


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Listening and Feedback


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