Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系

Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系.

Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系

澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系   介绍 安全管理系统是一种综合风险管理方法,用于确保大型赛事期间的安全,特别是在本报告中,墨尔本一级方程式大奖赛。 本报告将为墨尔本一级方程式大奖赛建立一个安全管理体系。 首先,将提供AGPC的相关背景说明。在此基础上,确保安全的方法以及审计和审查安全绩效的程序如下所述。希望通过这些安全实践,可以发展AGPC的安全文化。此外,AGPC还享有安全文化。因此,活动组织者可以更有信心承担活动程序,保证现场观众和支持活动的人员的安全。   安全管理体系(SMS) 墨尔本一级方程式大奖赛是一场赛车比赛,当然也是每年在澳大利亚举行的大型赛事。它吸引了大量的人群前来,这就要求活动的主办单位根据《劳动和健康安全示范条例》(WHS)建立并实施安全管理体系。 为了形成APGC的安全管理体系,维多利亚工作安全局(2006)对需要涵盖的要点提出了以下建议: ·规划 在实际制定和实施安全管理计划之前,有大量的工作要准备。重要的是事先有一个计划来指导整个过程。 第一个举措是任命一名安全管理计划负责人,一名负责确保系统运行的人员。在此之后,组建一个小组收集有关事件和善后措施记录的信息和调查。更新公司的风险登记册有助于组织者了解当前的危险情况。 列出执行安全管理系统时可能遇到的注意事项和问题。应考虑和处理但不限于以下问题: -法律问题 -财务问题 -人员问题 -社区同意问题 -采购问题 -操作问题 只有在考虑了这些问题之后,才能应用短消息的结构方法。 最后但并非最不重要的是,不要低估和低估咨询和沟通在整个规划部分的重要性。 ·建立和实施 实施阶段实施上述规划阶段措施并付诸实施。是安全管理体系的时间和精力提供程序,其应用包括: 1) 危险识别:为该部分开发一个片剂;记录详细的危险描述;评估当前控制和评估风险。 2) 制定事件安全行动计划:规划风险控制级别,确定当前控制的优先顺序;明确职责,确定相关负责人;制定突发事件应急功能区 3) 事件操作:操作计划;人群管理;安全控制;检查和评估 安全管理体系的建立和实施是由直接参与操作程序、日常维护、评估程序、应急控制培训和工作环境管理的人员组成的一组要素。 其中,员工的安全保险一直是公司最关心的问题。在格雷厄姆·弗朗西斯·贝弗里奇先生的事件——贝弗里奇先生去世之后,APGC把员工的安全作为他们的首要任务。根据AGPC年度报告(2013年,第16页),为确保员工安全和减少伤害而采取的措施包括: -审查和更新公司的风险管理 -实施风险研讨会 -员工安全管理培训 -紧急事件附加费 -成立指定的急救人员小组 -提供急救培训和急救设备 -所有人员入职培训 -识别和解决危害 -改进事件安全管理 -迅速报告危险和事故并立即作出反应 对合规和员工安全的承诺和奉献有利于社区。公司将从降低成本、降低人力资源声誉和长期利益回报等方面享受员工安全带来的利益。永远记住人的问题是第一位的。 审计和监督 为了检查安全管理体系的绩效和有效性,运营商还应建立一个审计系统来管理安全导向程序。合格的审计员需要审查时间表、实践结果和建议。 通过简单地问一些问题,比如我们如何知道哪一步有效,哪一步无效,就可以确定有效性指标。然后,一份绩效指标清单将完成监控工作。

Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系

Safety Management System for Australia Grand Prix Corporation Introduction A safety management system is a comprehensive risk management approach adopted to ensure safety during a mega event, especially in this report, the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix. This report is going to create a safety management system for Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix.First, the relevant background descriptions of the AGPC will be provided. Based on that, methods to ensure safety accompanied with procedures to audit and review the safety performance with addressed in the following. Hopefully, a safety culture of AGPC can be developed through those safety practices. Further AGPC enjoys the safety culture. As a result, event organizers can be more confident to undertake the activity procedures and guarantee the safety of audiences watching on site and personnel working to support the event.  Safety Management System (SMS)Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix is a motor race and of course a mega event held annually in Australia. It attracts large crowds to come which requires the host of the event to form and implement a safety management system under the model Work and Health Safety (WHS) Regulations.In order to form a safety management system for APGC, suggestions from WorkSafe Victoria (2006) of points that needed to be covered are as follows: Planning Before actually establish and implement a safety management plan, there is considerable work to prepare. It’s important to have a plan before hand to guide the whole process through. The first initiative is to appoint a person in charge for the safety management plan, a person who is responsible to ensure the system is conducted. After this, form a team to gather information and investigations concerning the incidents and aftermath measures records. Update on the company’s risk registers help the organizers to be familiar with current situation on hazards. List out the considerations and issues might be encountered while perform the safety management system. The following are the issues should be considered and dealt with, but not limited to: – legal issues – financial issues – people issues- consent issues from community- sourcing issues- operation issuesOnly after those issues are being thought through, the structure approach of the SMS can be applied. Last but not the least, never undervalue and underestimated the significance of consulting and communication in this whole planning section.  Establishing and Implementing The implementation phase carries out the planning phase measures proposed above and put them into practice. It is the time and efforts offering procedure of the safety management system and the application includes:1) Hazard identification: develop a tablet for this part; document the detailed hazard description; assess the current control and evaluate the risk.2) Plan action for event safety: layout the levels of risk control and put the priorities for current controls; define responsibilities and indentify relevant person in charge; draw out the functional area for incident emergencies3) Event operations: operational plan; crowd management; security under control; inspections and assessmentThe SMS establishing and implementing is the group of elements with people directly involved in the operating procedures, day to day maintenance, assessment programs, emergency control training and working environment management. Among all, the safety insurance for staff is always a top concern for a company. After Mr. Graham Francis Beveridge’s incident-Mr. Beveridge died, APGC put staff safety as their priority. According to the AGPC Annual Report (2013, p.16), initiatives undertaken to ensure staff’s safety and reduce injure includes: – review and update the Corporate’s risk management – implement risk workshops – staff training on safety management – excise on event emergency – establish Nominated First Aid Officers team- make first aid training and first aid equipment available- entry induction training for all personnel- recognize and solve the hazards – improve event safety management – report quickly and respond immediately on hazards and incidentsCommitment and dedications to compliance and employee safety benefits the community. The company will enjoy the interests resulting from employee safety in terms of reduction of cost, reputation in human resource and long term benefit favor returns. Always remember that people issues come first.  Auditing and MonitoringIn order to check the performance and effectiveness of the SMS, operators should also have an auditing system to managing the safety oriented procedures. Qualified auditors are in need for the examinations of schedules, practice results and recommendations. By simply asking questions like how do we know which step is working and which is not, the effectiveness indicators are identified. Then a checklist of performance indicators will do the monitoring job.  Improvement Following the three main steps above, organizers can be aware of what to do and how to do it when incidents happened. But always spare room for improvement, because events change every time, regulations and standards update from time to time, progress on safety conducts should be formally undertaken. All phases of the safety management system can be subjected to adjust to be improved and be better. For example, alter the operational plan and change the safety plan accordingly. The improvement of safety management system is like a feedback to ensure the outcome of SMS approach to effectiveness.  ConclusionUltimately the entire SMS should be carried out in completation, which means with the implementing, auditing and monitoring process, the safety culture for AGPC can be created. This report provides a general overview on what is the safety management system and what is the main process in conducting the SMS. The event safety management system is explored by outlining the implementation points. Therefore, the event’s chief executive officers and senior managers can integrate their role in ensuring the safety management to business operations and make commitments to their employees for their securities. There is never a perfect plan for everything, so improvement should be considered all the time through the process. The chief executives and event organizers must always review and update on the safety management system in order to make it more effective and reduce irrelevant costs.  

Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系

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Management 代写:澳大利亚大奖赛公司安全管理体系


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