Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会

Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会.

Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会

介绍 悉尼丰收节是一个多阶段的音乐节不同于南美、英国等其他国家和地区的丰收节,丰收节的目的是感谢上帝在这一年里的丰收,丰收节的目的是让帕拉玛塔公园的游客通过欣赏混合体裁的音乐和其他精彩的艺术表演,一起享受。 帕拉玛塔公园位于悉尼西部,始建于1858年。今天它被用作公共公园。此外,它还是一个研究、艺术展览和大型运动场所以说,平日里有很多人,更不用说像丰收节这样忙碌的日子了。(莱文斯,2010年) 结论 总之,在举办这样一个大型集会,如悉尼收获节存在许多不确定性。要充分准备应对各种潜在风险,执行者必须了解风险环境。本文选择了最重要的风险群体控制作为研究对象,通过对不同参与者的角色定位和风险管理基本理论的评价,对其进行了详细的研究在这样做的过程中,本文为其制定了一个风险管理计划。同时,本文还对整个风险环境进行了重点分析,并从鼠疫的角度分析了其不确定性对节日效果的影响。据分析,不难发现,很多风险都是造成丰收节不确定性的原因。但是,采取一些有效措施,避免风险的负面影响,确保节日的成功,并不是很复杂。

Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会

IntroductionHarvest Festival of Sydney is a multi-stage music festival. Unlike the harvest festival of other countries and regions, such as South America and Britain, whose purpose is to thank god for the good yield in the year, the Harvest Festival is aimed to make the visitors of Parramatta Park enjoy themselves together by appreciating the mixed genre music and other wonderful art performance.Parramatta Park, which was first established in 1858, is located in western Sydney. It is used as a public park today. Moreover, it is also a site for research, art exhibition and a large exercise ground. So as to say, there is a large amount of people in common days, let alone in such a busy day like Harvest Festival. (Levins, 2010)ConclusionIn conclusion, numerous uncertainties exist in holding such a large assembly like Harvest Festival of Sydney. To fully prepare for different kinds of the potential risk, the executor must have a comprehension on the risk environment. The essay selected the most important risk – crowd control to study in detail by identifying the role of its different participants playing and evaluating the essential theory of risk management. In doing so, the essay created a risk management plan for it. Meanwhile, the essay also focuses on the entire risk environment and analysis its uncertainty which will influence the result of the festival from the aspect of PESTEL. According to the analysis, it is not difficult to find that many risks are contributing to the uncertainty of the Harvest Festival. However, it is not very complicated to take some efficient measures to avoid the negative effect of the risk and ensure the success of the festival.

Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会

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Management assignment代写:悉尼丰收节大型集会


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