Management theories affect managers’ approaches to the management of resources, including people, in organisations.

Management theories affect managers’ approaches to the management of resources, including people, in organisations..

Assessment 1 | Short essay
Management theories affect managers’ approaches to the management of resources, including people, in organisations. The intent of this assessment is to ask you to reflect more deeply on the management theories we covered in the first weeks of this course, and to critically analyse their application in health and social care.
Objective: Assessment task addresses the subject learning outcomes.
A: Explain the interaction between effective management practices and organisational structures, cultures and processes
C: Critically appraise the roles and impacts of specific aspects of organisational management that may influence performance and outcomes
Course intended learning outcome(s)
Critical thinking
1.1 Critique, interpret and synthesise data and research findings to develop safe, effective and creative evidence-based solutions to healthcare challenges
1.2 Propose relevant problem-solving and human factors theories to the analysis and research of common and complex issues inherent in the management and evaluation of healthcare services
2.1 Justify and demonstrate appropriate leadership styles and skills necessary to effectively manage, evaluate and innovate healthcare services utilising contemporary local, national and international perspectives
Weighting: 20%
Due date: Monday 24 May 2021, 23:59 AEST (midnight)
Length: Maximum of 1000 words
Task: Write about one of the theorists discussed in Week 1.
References: APA 7th, no minimum number
Formatting requirements 11pt, san-serif font (e.g. Calibri or Arial), double-spaced, 30mm margins, A4 pages
Assessment task
• Choose one theorist (either Taylor, Fayol, McGregor or Mayo) to be the topic of a short essay (total 1000 words).
• Describe what you consider the key elements of their theory to be (no more than 250 words).
• Then, using references, discuss why their work is relevant to health or social care in 2020 (no more than 750 words).
96336 Organisational Management in Health Care | Assessment 1 Rubric
96336 Organisational Management in Health Care | Assessment 1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElements of management theory
Describes the key elements of the management theory selected 20 to 17.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
Clearly and logically describes the management theory selected. Includes descriptions of relevant issues and definitions of pertinent concepts from reputable sources. 17 to 15.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Clearly describes the management theory selected. Includes descriptions of relevant issues and definitions of pertinent concepts from reputable sources. 15 to 13.0 pts
C (Credit)
Describes the management theory selected. Includes descriptions of issues and definitions of concepts from reputable sources. 13 to 10.0 pts
P (Pass)
Describes the management theory selected. Includes descriptions of the issues or definitions. 10 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Limited or no description of the management theory selected. Limited or no descriptions or definitions.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritically discuss the relevance of theory
Demonstrates the ability to critically discuss the relevance of the theory to health and or social care 40 to 34.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
Synthesises the management theory from reputable, scholarly sources. Clearly demonstrates the relevance of the theory to health and/or social care. Weighs the limitations of the evidence. 34 to 30.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Synthesises evidence relevant to the management theory from scholarly sources. Links the theory to health and/or social care. Describes the limitations of the evidence. 30 to 26.0 pts
C (Credit)
Incorporates evidence relevant to the management theory from scholarly sources. Links the theory to health or social care. 26 to 20.0 pts
P (Pass)
Describes the relevance of the management theory to health and/or social care from relevant sources. 20 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Limited or no description of the management theory that is relevant to the health and/or social care. Use of unreliable sources.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterpretation of current and relevant literature
Validates perspectives through correct interpretation and explicit linkage of relevant and current literature to the assessment focus 20 to 17.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
Explicit links between the management theory, issues in health and social care, and review of the literature. 17 to 14.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Link between the management theory, its use in health and/or social care and the literature is described. 14 to 13.0 pts
C (Credit)
Link between the management theory and literature is apparent. Discussion to health and/or social care is largely appropriate. 13 to 10.0 pts
P (Pass)
Link between the management theory and health and/or social care is somewhat apparent. 10 to 0 pts
Limited or no description of the theory. Link between the management theory, literature and health and/or social care is not apparent.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear, logical, structure to the information
Formulates a clear and logical coherence and structure to information 10 to 8.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Relevance of the management theory to health and/or social care is explicit. Analytical approaches are appropriate to the argument. 8.5 to 7.5 pts
D (Distinction)
Relevance of the management theory is clearly described as is its relevance to health and/or social care. A logical sequence of analysis is evident. Analytical approaches are appropriate to the argument. 7.5 to 6.5 pts
C (Credit)
Management theory is described and relevance to health and social care is apparent. Analytical approaches are appropriate to the argument. 6.5 to 5.0 pts
P (Pass)
Management theory is described and relevance to the health and/or social care is somewhat apparent. Components of the analysis are appropriate. 5 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Management theory is not described or relevance to health and/or social care is not apparent.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, formatting and style
Produces correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style and reference list [Synth] 10 to 8.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Fluent writing style with consistent report-style formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing. 8.5 to 7.5 pts
D (Distinction)
Clear language with consistent formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing. 7.5 to 6.5 pts
C (Credit)
Generally clear language with mainly consistent formatting and few errors in referencing. 6.5 to 5.0 pts
P (Pass)
Writing is less clear, with deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation or referencing. Inconsistent formatting. 5 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Writing is unclear, with numerous deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, or referencing.
10 pts
Total Points: 100

Management theories affect managers’ approaches to the management of resources, including people, in organisations.


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