MARH016 Plan and Navigate a Passage for a Vessel up to 80 meters

MARH016 Plan and Navigate a Passage for a Vessel up to 80 meters.

MARH016 Plan and Navigate a Passage for a Vessel up to 80 meters
Assignment attachment – Chart block
Written Assignment
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To assist with information for your assignments we have referenced a guide next to the questions
Question 1 In your own words explain
(a) Latitude
(b) Longitude
Question 2 Gandy’s chapter 17.2 and study chart
(a) What is the relevance of the zone of confidence diagrams?
(b) List 8 important pieces of information you would find on a chart “Title Block”
Question 3 Gandy’s chapter 17.2 and study chart
In addition to the above what other important items you would check on a chart prior to using it for
Question 4 Gandy’s chapter 17.2 and study chart
There are a number of acronyms for remembering converting compass (Bearings/Headings) to true – (Gandys
page 450 – 451 and handouts notes). Using your preferred method answer the following; Explain in your
words (see attachment)
(a) What is the true bearing of a lighthouse if the bearing was 120°M (hand bearing compass) and variation is
10° E
(b) What is the compass course to steer if the true course off the chart is 050° T and the variation 10°E
deviation 3°W
(c) What is the compass error if the true bearing is 060°T And compass bearing 050°C?
(d) What is the true course to put on the chart if the compass course you are steering is 260° C compass
variation is 90°E and deviation is 2°W?
Complete the following table –
True Variation Magnetic Deviation Compass Error
105° 15°E 5°W
5°E 215° 14°E
12°W 067° 7°W
156° 166° 160°
222° 216° 3°W
009° 357° 10°E
2°W 6°E 015°
210° 212° 1°W
5°W 2°E 318°
183° 5°E 178°
Question 5 (applies to D.C.V.)(Source NSCV Part C sub section 7c)
(1) What is a deviation card?
(2) Under current legislation what are the requirements to ensure compass accuracy Marine Order 504
(3) When must a magnetic compass on a vessel be adjusted?
(4) List one method (and explain what you are checking) Gandy’s Chapter 17.1
(a) Insight of land
(b) Out of sight of land
Question 6 Scenario/calculation
You are steaming on a set of Leads that chart indicates should be 020 ° T your compass reads 008 ° C
(a) what is the compass error
(b) if the chart variation is 8 ° E and your deviation card reads 3 ° W for a compass course of 008 ° C
((1) What is the observed deviation
(2) What would be your reaction
Question 7 Gandy’s chapter 17.2 and handout Gandy; s page 474
Give the following chartwork symbols for
(1) Position line or course line
(2) D/R
(3) E/P
(4) Fix
(5) Transferred position line
(6) Course made good
(7) Set and drift line
Question 8 Gandy’s chapter 17.2
What is the difference between a D/R and an E/P?
Question 9
(a) Where would you find information regarding temporary warning notices
(b) What are traffic separation schemes
Question 10 Gandy’s chapter 17.2
(a) What type of projection of the globe onto a flat chart do we use for coastal navigation
(a) List 2 properties of this projections that assists the navigator
(b) When measuring distances on this type of projection why do we use the adjacent latitude scale
Question 11 Gandy’s chapter 6
(a) (1) What does I.A.L.A stand for,
(2) To eliminate any misunderstanding how is the direction indicated on a chart?
(b) Where would you find what system, the chart is using
(c) If there is any doubt how the direction is indicated on a chart
Question 12 Gandy’s chapter 6
If a lighthouse on a chart has the following notation FLWR (10s) 19m 10M
(a) what does this tell you about the light,
(b) what publication would you consult to check up light characteristics and information
Question 13
List how and when you would check the following wheelhouse equipment and alarm
High bilge alarm
Auto pilot
Auto pilot off course alarm
Echo sounder
ECS system
GPS receiver
Magnetic compass
Log (if fitted)
Question 14 Marine order 21 and NSCV Section 7, Subsection 7C Table 2
Give a list of the navigation equipment required for a vessel 35m in operation area C
Question 15 NSCV Part C Sub section 7c Annex B5
Why do we still have to carry paper charts?
Question 16 Gandy’s chapter 12
(a) What is a notice to Mariners?
(b) Who issues them and how often.
(c) What information do they contain
(d) If you had to update your chart how would you notify this on the chart
Question 17 Gandy’s
With reference to ECS (electronic charter systems)
(a) List the advantages
(b) List the limitations
(c) What is ECDIS
(d) What are the differences between an ECS and ECDS systems
Question 18 Gandy’s chapter 14
In simple terms what is WGS 84
(a) how does it relate to the satellite position
(b) what is its accuracy.
(c) How come on some charts the coastline does not agree with the GPS position
Question 19 Gandy’s chapter 17.3
With the aid of a diagram explain how the moon and suns gravitational pull causes spring and neap tides
Question 20 Gandy’s chapter 17.2 and tide tables
Give the full title and an explanation of what it means
(a) MSL
(b) MHWS
(c) MHWN
(d) MLWN
(e) MLWS
(f) C.D
(g) H.A.T
(h) L.A.T
Question 21 Gandy’s chapter 6 and 17.2
How are the following depicted on a chart?
(a) Depth of seabed
(b) Drying heights of sandbanks
(c) Rocks awash at high water
(d) Height of a lighthouse is the height above ?
Question 22 Gandy’s chapter 20
Explain the basic operation of an Aneroid barometer and what is it measuring. How does this assist the
Question 23 Gandy’s chapter 20
Using diagrams explain a sea breeze
How far would you expect to affect the weather seawards?
Question 24 Gandy’s chapter 20
(a) Draw a cross section of a cold front, explaining what’s happening to the air masses and the weather you
would expect as it passes
(b) List the cloud types associated before, during and following the front
Question 25 Gandy’s chapter 20 and BOM website
When does BOM issue a;
(1) Strong wind warning
(2) Gale warning
Question 26 Gandy’s chapter 20 and BOM website
What sort of conditions sea state, wave height, and swell period would you expect from a sustained 20kt
Question 27 Gandy’s chapter 20
You find yourself in the path of a cyclone in the dangerous quadrant what course would you steer to try to
Question 28 Gandy’s chapter 19.3
Explain MASREP, its aims and purpose
Question 29 Gundy’s chapter 19.3 and MSQ website
(1) Explain REEFVTS Its aims and purpose
(2) Who must report?
(3) Is there any situation your coastal barge 28m (LOA) would have to report
Question 30 Gandy’s Chapter 14
(1) How does AIS assist the navigator?
(2) What vessels is it compulsory to carry AIS
Question 31
What are the basic differences of the origins, predictability, and strengths between
(a) ocean currents
(b) tidal streams
Question 32
(a) What is a relative bearing
(b) How do I convert it to a True bearing
Question 33
What is your understanding of the phase “situational awareness”
End of paper

MARH016 Plan and Navigate a Passage for a Vessel up to 80 meters


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