Matthew’s gospel.

Matthew’s gospel..




Some texts are easier to use than others for this type of assignment—some texts more readily lend themselves to discussion of important elements of all three worlds. Prepare your presentation from one of the following sections of Matthew. These texts have been chosen because of their significance for understanding the gospel, as well as the way they work well as opportunities to use the three worlds.

1st Discourse: Matthew 5-7 (“The Sermon on the Mount”)
Reconciliation – Matthew 5:21-26
Love – Matthew 5:43-48
Material Securities – Matthew 6:19-34
Judgement – Matthew 7:1-6
Asking and receiving – Matthew 7:7-12
Disciples & Prophets – Matthew 7:13-23

2nd Discourse: Matthew 10
Mission – 10:5-15
Cost of discipleship – Matthew 10:16-23

3rd Discourse: Matthew 13
The Parable of the Sower – 13:3-9 & 3:19-23
3 Parables about the Kingdom – 13:24-33

4th Discourse: Matthew 18
Greatness – Matthew 18:1-9
Forgiveness – Matthew 18:21-35

5th Discourse: Matthew 23-25
Cautions – Matthew 23:1-12
The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids – Matthew 25:1-13
The Parable of the Talents – Matthew 25:14-30
The Sheep & The Goats: 25:31-46

A list of the kinds of information, questions, etc. that could be addressed in each world is provided below. You will not be able to identify each of these items for each possible pericope – please use this as a guide. The information below is something accessible by using the notes in the New Oxford Annotated Bible (the required Bible for this course), and the historical & literary world information found in Kraybill and Fee & Stuart.

Literary World
Literary Content:
1. Summarize the pericope
2. Indicate the genre of literature of the text as a whole (answer: gospel)
3. Identify and define key terms in the text.
4. Literary analysis:
-Note (and explain the meaning of) the various forms of teaching present: proverbs, hyperbole, similes & metaphors, poetry, questions, irony (Be aware that some of this may show up in the larger context of your pericope. For example: is your pericope a parable that is actually the answer to a question? That tells us Jesus’ purpose in telling the parable.)
-Use the content of the text to infer what Jesus’ tone might be.
Literary Context:
1. Read the entire discourse in Matthew of which your pericope is a part. If possible, identify the main point/s or thesis of that discourse. What is the meaning of your pericope in the context of the discourse?
2. Note where in the gospel your pericope comes. How does its place in the chronology of the
story help you understand its meaning or purpose in the text?
3. What is the meaning of your pericope in the context of the gospel of Matthew (entire)?
4. Go Further (not required): identify parallel passages in the other gospels and use the comparison to note what is distinct about Matthew’s use of the pericope

Historical World
1. Authorship: Who, what, when, where, why written?
2. Historical context of Jesus’ world (1st century Palestine): relevant cultural social, political, religious, geographical information
-define: terms, cultural artifacts, people, places, religions, ethnic groups
You will need to do actual research to explore elements of the historical world of your text. Use Fee & Stuart, Kraybill, and the notes and articles in your NOAB for this research.

Contemporary World
Based on the information in the above two worlds, what does the text have to say to people today? Your text might not offer information about all three of these categories. Use these as a guide for considering how this text might be applied to the world today.
1. About the Kingdom of God
2. About what God and/or humans are like
3. About how to live
Offer specific examples of what this might look like in the present day.

Final Notes:
Infer or suggest your conclusions based on the evidence in the text
Cite specific chapter & verse in-text to more accurately support your conclusions. Ex: (Mt 5:1-3)







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Matthew’s gospel.


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