Mental Health & Wellness in Clinical Practice 1 1

Mental Health & Wellness in Clinical Practice 1 1.

NUM2307 Mental Health & Wellness in Clinical Practice 1 1
Semester 1, 2021
Assessment 2: Essay
Weighting: 40%
Word count: 1400 words
Due date: Week 10, Monday May 3, 2021 at 9:00 hours (9:00 am) AWST
Submission details: via Blackboard Assessments Turnitin link
Essay task:
A biopsychosocial approach to patient assessment, care, and referral should be undertaken on all clinical
wards, not just as best practice in mental health care. Discuss this statement.
You are to provide rationale to support your argument and the essay discussion.
? The essay should be written in the 3rd person.
? Requires a standard introduction that sets up the context of the essay and clearly highlights your position on
the statement. Only 1 reference is to be included in the brief introductory paragraph.
? Requires a standard conclusion, which should be a brief summary of the key points made within the essay,
reaffirming the statement position.
? A minimum of eight (8) references should support your work.
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? Recency of evidence-based practice (references), should be within the last five (5) years of publication.
? Only academic references are to be used, this includes journals and textbooks.
? Use the SNM assignment template APA 7 2020 to set up your essay.
? Follow the 2020 SNM Presentation & Assignment guidelines and SNM A-Z guide for further direction
regarding structure & presentation.
? ECU APA 7th edition referencing should be used for accuracy intext and end text (referencing).
? Marks will be awarded as per the SNM marking rubric (for this unit) as identified on page 2 & 3 of this
CRITERIA High Distinction ( 80%) Excels in all requirements Distinction (70-79%)
Excels in some and exceeds all requirements Credit (60-69%)
Exceeds minimum requirements Pass (50-59%)
Meets minimum requirements Fail (26-49%)
Not yet meeting minimum requirements
Well Below Average ( 25%)
Low Proficiency
Content fully addresses all parts of the assessment item. Thorough exploration of concepts demonstrates, and
indepth understanding and wellformed ideas supported by high quality evidence. All ideas presented have
relevance to the topic. All parts of the assessment item addressed at a good level and supported by quality
evidence. Able to demonstrate a sound position on the statement and discussion shows understanding, with
sound ideas.
Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Most parts of the assessment item addressed at a
satisfactory level and supported by adequate evidence. Able to demonstrate support of the statement, needs
more direction and key ideas. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Assessment item addressed at
a superficial level. Minimal evidence to support main ideas. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the
main concepts at a basic level. Some ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Does not, or poorly
addresses assessment item. Insufficient or no evidence to support main ideas. Unable to, or poorly
demonstrates an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. Ideas are not relevant to the topic. Limited
referencing or no credible sources to support ideas. Does not address assessment item. No evidence to
support main ideas. Unable to demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas or concept. No credible
sources used to support main ideas.
34-40 28-33 24-27 20-23 11-19 0-10
Excellent demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Excellent application of
professional practice and/or research in practice to support the assessment. Clear statement position has been
identified, argued and discussed regarding the essay task topic points. Discussion is supported by recent
evidence to show direct wider reading and
applicability to nursing/midwifery clinical practice. Very good demonstration of critical thinking appropriate
to level of education. Very good application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to the
assessment item and essay task points. The statement position has been discussed and ideas are very good.
Evidence of to support discussion is sound. Demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of
Application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to assessment item is evident, but not
fully discussed.
The statement position and could show further depth of detail and discussion and/or less descriptive writing.
Limited demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education.
Limited application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to assessment item.
Minimal discussion or description of statement position identified, argued or discussed regarding the essay
task topic points.
Limited application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to assessment item. Poorly
demonstrates critical thinking appropriate to required level.
Poor application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to assessment item.
Minimal application of professional practice and/or evidence-based thinking to assessment item. Does not
demonstrate critical thinking appropriate to required level.
No application of professional practice and/or evidencebased thinking to assessment item.
18-20 15-17 12-14 10-11 6-9 0-5
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All aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Excellent introduction of topic and strong
of key points in the conclusion. Excellent paragraphing and logical & cohesive development of ideas
throughout. Complies with assignment brief, SNM Presentation & Assignment Writing Guidelines to an
excellent standard. Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Very good introduction of
topic and summation of key points in the conclusion. Very good paraphrasing and logical/cohesive
development of ideas.Complies with assignment brief, ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines to a very
high standard. Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Introduction adequately
introduces topic and summarises key points in conclusion.
Paragraphing is evident and there is a logical/cohesive development of ideas in some of the assessment item.
May comply with assignment brief/and or ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. Some aspects conform
to the structure of the assessment item. Limited introduction of topic and summation of key points in
conclusion. Minimal paragraphing and logical/cohesive development of ideas. Limited aspects of the SNM
presentation and assignment guide have been adhered to and/or the assignment brief may not have been
followed. Limited aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Poor introduction to the
assessment. Limited paragraphing. Omits or poor summation of key points in conclusion.
Poorly complies with SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines and /or the assignment brief. The assignment
does not conform to the structure of the assessment item. No/poor introduction to the assessment. Poor or
non-existent paragraphing. No logical or cohesive development of ideas. No summation of key points in
conclusion. Does not comply with SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines or the assignment brief.
18-20 15-17 12-14 10-11 6-9 0-5
Completely adheres to all instructions in the ECU APA7 referencing guide. In text and end-text, referencing
has no errors. Adheres to instructions in the
ECU APA7 referencing guide. In text referencing is error free and/or end-text referencing has few errors.
Mostly adheres to instructions in the ECU APA7 referencing guide. In text and/or end-text, referencing has
many errors (in/end text). Mainly adheres to instruction in the ECU APA7 referencing guide. In text and/or
end-text referencing has frequent errors. Referencing poorly complies with the instructions in the ECU APA7
referencing guide. In text and/or endtext, referencing has many errors or repeated errors. Referencing does
not follow instructions in the ECU APA 7 referencing guide. In text and/or end-text, referencing has
significant and repeated errors.
10 7-9 6 5 3-4 0-2
Style and structure: Style and structure: Style and structure: Style and structure: Style and structure:
Precise and fluent expression, Clear, concise and cohesive Well expressed and clearly flows. Generally, flows
well. Lacks flow and may be difficult to which flows easily. expressions with logical flows. Style, structure
and paragraphing Basic organisation and style show an follow. Style and /or structure is Sophisticated and
complex style Style, structure and are generally appropriate for understanding of audience and inappropriate
for audience and with structure and paragraphing paragraphing are appropriate audience and assessment type.
assessment type. Paragraphing may assessment type. Paragraphing is appropriate for audience and for task,
audience and Uses vocabulary and discipline- need refinement. needed or used incorrectly. assessment type.
Uses a wide- assessment type. Uses a range specific terms accurately. Uses mostly appropriate vocabulary
Uses limited vocabulary or
range of highly appropriate of appropriate and accurate and key discipline-specific terms. inappropriate word
vocabulary and discipline- discipline-specific vocabulary. discipline-specific terms are misused specific
terms. Uses varied and Technical skills: Technical skills: or missing. complex sentence structure. Technical
skills: Produces mostly error free Produces sentences with some Technical skills:
Almost error-free punctuation Uses varied sentence structure. sentences. variety and accuracy. Produces
sentences, which are
and grammar. Occasional errors in punctuation Infrequent errors in spelling and Errors in spelling,
punctuation and/ or repetitive or simplistic, incomplete or
Technical skills: and grammar. punctuation, which do not impede grammar occasionally impede run-on.
Uses varied and complex understanding. understanding. Errors in grammar, spelling and / or
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sentence structure. punctuation that interfere with Almost error-free punctuation understanding. and grammar.
10 8-9 6-7 5 0-4
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Excels in all requirements Excels in some and exceeds Exceeds minimum requirements Meets minimum
requirements Not yet meeting minimum all requirements requirements
Style and structure:
Flow, expression, paragraphing and structure appropriate to audience and assessment type.
Vocabulary, word choice and use of discipline specific term are appropriate for audience and purpose.
Technical skills:
Sentence structure is varied and complex, Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are accurate and communicate
intended meaning.

Mental Health & Wellness in Clinical Practice 1 1


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