MN3041QA: Development for Success in Business

MN3041QA: Development for Success in Business.

Development for Success in Business
Assignment 2: Literature Review
Due: 17th May 2021 by 3PM via Turnitin Weight: 40%
• Word limit: 900 – 1000 words. You will incur penalties if you exceed the word limit.
• Essay template is available on WebLearn Assessment Details Assignment 2
Essay question: Write a literature review on the previous and existing research on a chosen topic of interest and make a future research recommendation.
Your text font should be Times New Roman in font size 12 and double spaced (2.0)
Your report structure/subheadings are outlined below:
1. Introduction (around 150-200 words)
You should include a hook, background and an outline.
2. Literature Review (around 500 words)
Choose ONE of the topics below
• Communication
• Emotional Intelligence
• Leadership
• Decision-Making
• Creativity
Read the appropriate sources in order to synthesise and write about the previous and existing research, theory and debate on this topic. No bullet points!
Use the websites below to help you find credible sources:
Tip: Use the literature review chapter in Understanding student attendance in Business Schools by Mearman et al. to help you structure yours.
3. Conclusion (around 250-300 words)
Based on what you have found, propose what future research can be conducted on this topic to make impact and contribute to knowledge in this area.
4. Bibliography (not included in the word count)
• Minimum of 5 academic sources
• Sources must be properly cited and written in the Harvard Referencing Style
General Level 3/4 o Acquisition of broad knowledge o Evaluate information
o Use information to plan, develop and problem solve
(A) Excellent demonstration of comprehension of the task with evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal. Use of a wide variety of appropriate sources. Transformation of knowledge, independent thinking and development of ideas. Ability to communicate very clearly and effectively. Excellent evidence of preparation and organisation, structure and presentation of work – minimal errors. Good references, appropriate sources (quality and quantity. No errors in bibliography or citations.
60-69 (B) Very good Demonstration of very good comprehension of the task with evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation
Use of a wide variety of appropriate sources Transformation of knowledge Independent thinking and development of ideas Ability to communication clearly and effectively Very good evidence of preparation
Very good organisation, structure and presentation of work – minimal errors Good references, appropriate sources (quality and quantity). Minimal or no errors in reference list or citations.
(C) Adequate – Satisfactory Some analysis but limited
Some insight and exploration of ideas Sound conclusions No significant inaccuracies or omissions
Some analysis, evaluation or synthesis of information
Lacking clarity at times Some evidence of preparation Referencing is sound. Mostly appropriate sources. Numerous errors or inconsistencies
40-49 (D) All learning outcomes met
Competent (practical) May be incomplete in knowledge (some errors or omissions) Insufficient analysis, evaluation or synthesis Limited application of theories/knowledge
An awareness of appropriate principles/theories/techniques
Irrelevance to the task at times
Disorganised work with weak standard of presentation Numerous aberrations
from the requirements of the task
Referencing is attempted although may be inconsistent, many errors, weak sources
Pass 30-39
(F1) Learning outcomes not met
Little relevant knowledge Lacking structure Numerous errors in structure and form Limited understanding of concepts/theories
No appropriate analysis, evaluation or synthesis Significant inaccuracies/omissions Not competent
Little or no attempt to use references and if so very weak with errors
Fail 0-29 Learning Outcomes not met

MN3041QA: Development for Success in Business


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