North America; A homegrown violent extremist

North America; A homegrown violent extremist.



Select a homegrown violent extremist from North America that we have not discussed in class and write a research paper by developing your own case study that addresses the four subject areas below:
Develop an HVE case study of a group or individual of sound mind* not covered by our lessons. Some examples may include: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik in San Bernardino 2015, Muhammad Abdulazeez in Chattanooga 2015, Martin Couture-Rouleau or Michael Zehaf-Bibeau both in Canada 2014, Faisal Shahzad at Times Square in 2010, Carlos Bledsoe in Little Rock 2009, Eric Rudolph the right wing Atlanta Olympics bomber 1996, or even left wing extremists from the 1970s like The Weather Underground.
What was the individual or groups grievance or cause?
How was the individual or most group members recruited or draw to the cause?
What was the process of radicalization? Which model discussed in this course most closely followed your case?
What was the result of the extremism and how did the case end?

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North America; A homegrown violent extremist


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