o You may also feel free to write about religions not covered in the course that are of interest such as Indigenous Religions (p. 39) Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions (p. 133), Jainism (p. 159), Sikhism (p. 303), or New Religious Movements (p. 330).

o You may also feel free to write about religions not covered in the course that are of interest such as Indigenous Religions (p. 39) Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions (p. 133), Jainism (p. 159), Sikhism (p. 303), or New Religious Movements (p. 330)..

Reflection Essay #2
· You may use the discussion questions as the basis for your essay.
o You may also feel free to write about religions not covered in the course that are of interest such as Indigenous Religions (p. 39) Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions (p. 133), Jainism (p. 159), Sikhism (p. 303), or New Religious Movements (p. 330).
· It is expected that you draw upon the specific examples and themes from the religion(s) you’re assigned to study.
· Students must cite information from the book (e.g. page #). Failure to use the book will result in a failing grade.
o In addition, use of materials outside this course (websites, books other than the textbook, and any unauthorized source) may result in a grade deduction or possibly failure.
o Furthermore, students must answer the posed questions and think critically about the material. Failure to cite, use specific examples, and critical thinking will result in a failing grade.
Submission Instructions:
· Your paper should format and cited in proper current APA 7th style with support from at least 2 academic sources. The paper is to be 1-2 pages in length/500-600 words, excluding the title and references page.
Turnitin similarity should be less than 14%
Incorporate your textbook as a reference within your work.
Analyze your assessment findings and the family’s answers to your questions. Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.
Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books drafted in the last five years. No websites to be referenced without prior approval.
· Incorporate your textbook as a reference within your work.
Textbook(s) Partridge, Christopher. A Short Introduction to World Religions. Fortress, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-5064-4595-3 (E-Textbooks and Kindle options available.)
Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).
· Partridge, C. (2018).
o pp. 266-286 (Part IX Kindle Edition)
Supplemental Materials & Resources
Feel free to watch these videos to supplement your reading of the Partridge text. These are not to take the place of reading.
· How Islam Began (8:10)
TrueTube. (2017, January 18). How Islam began – In ten minutes [Video]. YouTube.
How Islam began – In ten minutes (Links to an external site.)
· Long story short: Islam (4:11)
HuffPost. (2016, October 6). Long story short: Islam [Video]. YouTube.
Long story short: Islam (Links to an external site.)
· The Five Pillars of Islam summary (6:55)
LearnOutLoud. (2017, May 4). The Five Pillars of Islam summary [Video]. YouTube.
The Five Pillars of Islam summary (Links to an external site.)
· Islamic Call to Prayer (4:31)
InvitingPeople. (2014, May 6). Islamic call to prayer – Amazing azan by Idris Aslami [Video]. YouTube.
Islamic call to prayer – Amazing azan by Idris Aslami (Links to an external site.)
· How to perform Fajr prayer (4:43)
Yo007mo. (2011, October 21). How to perform Fajr prayer, the Muslim prayer. The morning prayer [Video]. YouTube.
How to perform Fajr prayer, the Muslim prayer. The morning prayer (Links to an external site.)

o You may also feel free to write about religions not covered in the course that are of interest such as Indigenous Religions (p. 39) Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Religions (p. 133), Jainism (p. 159), Sikhism (p. 303), or New Religious Movements (p. 330).


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