Paper instructions:• Answer any two (2) of the following questions in 2-3 pages

Paper instructions:• Answer any two (2) of the following questions in 2-3 pages.

Paper instructions:
• Answer any two (2) of the following questions in 2-3 pages per question (6 pages in total). Each question is to be answered separately and the two answers do not need to be connected in any way. Save both questions as one document.
• Refer specifically to the text book (for example, begin by defining the topic, discuss the important elements of the topic, go on to include specific examples, etc.). No other sources should be used.
• Cite references correctly (see APA format sheet). For example, when citing the textbook, give the authors’ last names and year of publication: • At the beginning of a sentence: Baron and Branscombe (2012) state that… or at the end of a sentence in parentheses (Baron & Branscombe, 2012) – this is for the 13th edition of the textbook.
• At the beginning of a sentence: Branscombe and Baron (2017) state that… or at the end of a sentence in parentheses (Branscombe & Baron, 2017) – this is for the 14th edition of the textbook.
• Remember to put the information in your own words (paraphrase) to the greatest extent possible. Use quotations sparingly. If using direct quotes, remember to use quotation marks and give page numbers for all direct quotes (see APA format sheet). For example, Branscombe and Baron state that: “[give quote]” (2017, p. 213).
• Provide specific, relevant examples in answering each question; come up with your own specific examples, not the ones in the text or study guide materials.
In the paper, clearly indicate the question number for each question you answer. Be very explicit in citing the text source that you are referring to in your answers. Use the authors’ last names and year of publication for the text, for example, Branscombe and Baron, 2017 [if using the 14th ed.].
For specific assessment criteria, see Paper Rubric in Bb.
Paper questions: Readings on the topics of: Social Psychology, Social Perception, Social Cognition, Attitudes
1. Why do social psychologists conduct experiments—aren’t the concepts and theories “common sense?” Choose one experiment discussed in any of the readings for this unit and use it to illustrate the advantages of the experimental method. What problems would present themselves if a researcher tried to study the same phenomenon in a “real world” (that is: natural, non-lab) setting? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
2. What are the important ethical issues that social psychologists face in conducting experiments? If deception in research was eliminated, would that eliminate all ethical concerns? Why or why not? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
3. Some theorists believe that people are rational thinkers and decision-makers while others believe that social cognition is often subject to biases and other distorting influences. Make a case for one of these positions, supporting your view with relevant research. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
4. Discuss attributions, explaining how attributional processes impact our perceptions of our worlds. Be sure to include a discussion of sources of error in attribution. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
5. How effective are persuasive communications that arouse a high level of fear? Under what conditions are fear-arousing messages most effective in influencing behavior? Under what conditions might they be less effective? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
Readings on the topics of: Prejudice & Discrimination; Liking, Love, and Other Close Relationships
6. What is prejudice and how is it related to stereotyping? How do stereotypes influence the way we evaluate the behavior or personalities of members of stereotyped groups? Discuss these topics as they specifically relate to those with disabilities (handicapped community) only. Provide examples of research that illustrate the role of attributions in this domain. Remember to include specific examples of your own (related to those with disabilities) in answering the question. Answer must focus on prejudice and discrimination of those with disabilities (handicapped community).
7. Emotional techniques for reducing prejudice have been found to be effective. People with egalitarian standards can feel guilty when they violate their beliefs and personally behave in a prejudicial fashion. Design a study of your own creation to experimentally test this observation. Identify each of the important elements of an experimental design. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
8. Suppose that a person, Jamie, has just made a new acquaintance. Jamie wants to be liked by this person and would like to see a friendship develop. What aspects of interpersonal attraction might Jamie want to consider in order to achieve her goals? Discuss some studies from the readings and the implications of their findings for Jamie’s situation. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
9. What do you think of the concept of infant attachment styles as applied to interpersonal relationships? Do you think that people, in fact, are influenced by this in their adult relationships, or is this explanation too simplistic? Defend your position with research. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
Readings on the topics of: Social Influence; Prosocial Behavior; Groups & Individuals
10. The readings review several variables that serve either to increase or decrease the level of conformity behavior. Briefly discuss four of these factors; think of a specific, “real world” example for each of these factors (do not use examples from the readings). Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
11. After reading about the Milgram study, are you convinced that no lasting harm was done to the participants? Was the debriefing at the end of the experiment sufficient to eliminate any long-term or short-term effects on the participants? Was the distress that these participants experienced as a result of being in this study justified? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
12. Your text describes instances of bystander non-intervention, where people fail to help others in emergency situations. Suppose you were to fall from your bicycle and break your leg. How would you arrange the situation (according to theory and research) to your greatest advantage so that people would be most likely to help you? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
13. Suppose you are in the business of soliciting money for some worthy cause. Using what you know about compliance and persuasion as your “guide,” what strategies would you use to maximize the money you collect? Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering the question.
Readings on the topics of: Aggression; Dealing with Adversity and Achieving a Happy Life
14. Explain the social learning perspective of aggressiveness, including a discussion of the four key elements of this theory. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering this question. 15. Discuss the differences between happy and unhappy people; be sure to discuss Lyubomirsky’s (2001) research. Remember to include specific examples of your own in answering this question.

Paper instructions:• Answer any two (2) of the following questions in 2-3 pages


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