Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations

Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations.

Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations. For example, health care policies under Presidents Clinton and Obama, or foreign policy under Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations

Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations. For example, health care policies under Presidents Clinton and Obama, or foreign policy under Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

you may want to use the following resources as you develop your paper:
to assist you in identifying a policy

For concepts and terms referencing public policy purpose and outcomes, see

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you:
Firstly, discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discuss or implement ed. Indicate the context or the problem of the day and the urgency for the policy.

Secondly, analyze the social, economic, and political environments for the time the policy was discuss or implement.
Critique the policy for its effectiveness of the time.

Thirdly, include at least four peer-reviewed references (no more than five years old) from material outside the textbook.

Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and also governmental websites.

Wikipedia, other wikis, and any other websites ending in anything other than “.gov” do not qualify as peer-reviewed.

More details;

One Federal Decision

Executive Order (E.O.) 13807: Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects, was issued on August 15, 2017. It requires Federal agencies to process environmental reviews and also authorization decisions for “major infrastructure projects” as One Federal Decision (OFD) and sets a government-wide goal of reducing, to two years, the average time for each agency to complete the required environmental reviews and authorization decisions for major infrastructure projects, as measured from the date of publication of a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.

  • Executive Order 13807
  • One Federal Decision Fact Sheet

On April 9, 2018, the Department of Transportation and several other Departments, including Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Housing and also Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Homeland Security, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and also the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) implementing the OFD under E.O. 13807.

  • OFD OMB/CEQ memo

On September 26, 2018, OMB issued guidance for implementing a performance accountability system that tracks compliance with the OFD policy and also related provisions of E.O. 13807. OMB will use the performance accountability system to publish a quarterly scorecard of agency performance in meeting the goals of E.O. 13807, and take each agency’s performance into consideration during budget formulation.

  • OMB Memo on Performance Accountability System



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Pick one federal policy that was discussed over a span of two different administrations


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