POIPossible Thesis -Subject; The Nurse Practitioner as an advocate in validating care giver competency ensuring physiological needs of the recipient and care givers are met. 1. Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph.

POIPossible Thesis -Subject; The Nurse Practitioner as an advocate in validating care giver competency ensuring physiological needs of the recipient and care givers are met. 1. Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph..

POI- Possible Thesis -Subject; The Nurse Practitioner as an advocate in validating care giver competency ensuring physiological needs of the recipient and care givers are met. 1. Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph.
2 Conclude the introductory paragraph with direct thesis statement that informs the reader of your purpose, primary objective of the paper. Critieria: Identify the POI topic and include a brief summary of current evidence related to POI – Next Briefly describe Nsg Metaparadigm and its origin , then discuss each of the 4 components and how it relate to POI . Support discussion with 2 peer reviewed references, in addition to textbooks and cite reference and source. Next-Select a Grand Nursing Theory discuss the interrelated concepts (b) discuss you POI within the framework of the Grand Nursing Theory selected – Then select a Middle Range Theorist and discuss interrelated concepts and how it fits with the grand Nursing theory – discuss your POI within the context by the middle range theory-Support discussion with 4 peer reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite references of the primary source -Complexity Theory
a. Briefly describe complexity science and complex adaptive systems- b. Discuss your POI within the framework of complexity science; and identify the focus, i.e. organizational, physiologic, or environmental -c. Identify a specific Complex Adaptive System within your POI and discuss the principles of complexity science that impact this system and your POI-
4. Support this discussion with at least two (2) peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite/reference the primary source.
6 to >4.0 pts
Met or Exceeds Criteria
The information fully addresses the required elements and demonstrates an understanding of theories and how each relates to a specific POI. Content is well supported with peer-reviewed references and primary sources are used.
4-Minimum Criteria
The information was basic and addressed the majority of the required content in some manner. Content may not be well supported by peer-reviewed literature. Primary sources may or may not have been used.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical Framework and Principles
1. Identify and discuss an overall ethical framework that will direct your advanced nursing practice. 2. Describe at least two (2) ethical principles upheld in your chosen ethical framework.
3. Explain why the specific framework was chosen and its relevance to your advanced nursing practice.
4. Support this discussion with at least four (4) peer-reviewed references -Learning Outcome-Conclusion
1. Summarize the major points of the paper in one paragraph.
2. No new information or references should be included in this section.

POIPossible Thesis -Subject; The Nurse Practitioner as an advocate in validating care giver competency ensuring physiological needs of the recipient and care givers are met. 1. Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph.


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