PowerPoint assignment about the platform Instagram and handout, I will also need a document prepared for my verbal presentation.”

PowerPoint assignment about the platform Instagram and handout, I will also need a document prepared for my verbal presentation.”.

I don’t understand this Marketing question and need help to study. I need to present a PowerPoint assignment about the platform Instagram and handout, I will also need a document prepared for my verbal presentation.” Our class is focusing on strategy and design for social media campaigns. A crucial part to this process is the ability to correctly analyze and determine which platforms are most appropriate for a brand. To make sure our class is familiar with some of the hallmark platforms as well as emerging social media that are beneficial for brands, we will have multiple platform presentation. No platform may be selected by more than one student. Be sure you identified your selection in BB.There are two parts to the presentation: 1) a ten-minute verbal presentation and 2) a one-page handout. Verbal presentation: In the ten minute presentation you should cover the basic information for the social media site such as the year it was founded, how many users it has, and basic demographics. You will also want to review what the platform requires of and provides to official brand profiles on the site. Highlight each of these areas. Finally, present one or two key brands that are leaders in how they utilize the platform. One page handout: Your handout should accent the key points from your presentation.” Requirements: All the details available in the rubric attached   |   .ppt file

PowerPoint assignment about the platform Instagram and handout, I will also need a document prepared for my verbal presentation.”


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