Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 in the course textbook. Review the “Ethical Dilemma” information in the Chapter 11 section Emerging Markets and section 11.2, From Trade Wars to Antitrust Wars.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 in the course textbook. Review the “Ethical Dilemma” information in the Chapter 11 section Emerging Markets and section 11.2, From Trade Wars to Antitrust Wars..

Part 1:
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 in the course textbook. Review the “Ethical Dilemma” information in the Chapter 11 section Emerging Markets and section 11.2, From Trade Wars to Antitrust Wars.
Find a recent (within the past year) article about an antitrust decision against a U.S.-multinational company by a foreign entity or country. Once you do, accomplish the following:
Share your web link and summarize your article in three to four bullet points.
What are some strategies management can put in place to address future reoccurrences of this type of decision?
Do some brief web research and share trends and thoughts on “trust busting” and “antitrust” legislations and decisions. Is the antitrust war growing? Is antitrust legislation and trust busting politically motivated and simply a political tool?
Part 2:
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 13 of the course textbook and review the closing case in Chapter 13 Subsidiary Initiative at LEGO North America.
Bring the case current by reviewing LEGO further and describing additional alliances for LEGO, since the 1999 alliance with Lucas films.
Answer three of the following five questions:
How can a firm like LEGO utilize knowledge sharing to promote additional alliance opportunities?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of LEGO utilizing virtual teams for alliance negotiation, implementation, and follow-up performance?
How can global alliances impact LEGO’s social responsibility strategies?
What impact does an “international culture mindset” have on an alliance’s success?
How can local culture impede alliance negotiations, and what strategies can LEGO employ to ensure success?
the book we read is:
Peng, M. W. (2017). Global business (4th ed.). Retrieved from

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 in the course textbook. Review the “Ethical Dilemma” information in the Chapter 11 section Emerging Markets and section 11.2, From Trade Wars to Antitrust Wars.


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