Produce an algorithm for use in an antenatal outpatient clinic that will allow a supplementary prescribing by an appropriately qualified midwife.

Produce an algorithm for use in an antenatal outpatient clinic that will allow a supplementary prescribing by an appropriately qualified midwife..

Algorithm on management of Gestational Diabetes


Produce an algorithm for use in an antenatal outpatient clinic that will allow a supplementary prescribing by an appropriately qualified midwife.

The algorithm should enable the midwife to provide control of blood glucose to women during pregnancy.

Assume appropriate care plans are in place to enable the midwife to use any treatments you suggest as part of the algorithm.

All necessary testing and monitoring should be included in the algorithm.

Only treatment options and tests used in outpatient settings should be included, if other options are required appropriate referrals should be made.

Only treatment options concerned with control of blood glucose should be included on the algorithm.

You should not try to control other common antenatal issues e.g. blood pressure, epilepsy, asthma except if you consider that overlap of care may affect blood glucose control

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Produce an algorithm for use in an antenatal outpatient clinic that will allow a supplementary prescribing by an appropriately qualified midwife.


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