PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management

PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management.

PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management
Subject Code and Title
Assessment 3 – Project Charter development
Project Charter development
2,000 words
Successful completion of this assignment will result in achievement of the following subject learning
1. Understand PMBOK knowledge areas and process groups and their role, relevance and impact on project
management best practice and PMI’s Code of Ethics.
2. Critically compare and contrast project management approaches and their
appropriateness for managing a variety of project types, including IT projects.
3. Apply appropriate project management (including IT project management) tools and techniques, paying
particular attention to risk management.
Learning Outcomes
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By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday in the first week of
Module 6 (week 11)
40 Marks
Total Marks
Project leadership is about inspiring the project team to do their best from the outset. This requires a
combination of verbal and written communications and a range of applied leadership skills. One of the
foundational documents that helps “kick-off” the project is the Project Charter. This is a document that
describes the entire project in a short, succinct and presentable document that can be shared with project staff
or other stakeholders to commence the project in earnest. It also helps clarify the project context, the project
team roles and the goals of the project.
In this assessment you will be given a project case study to use in order to develop a Project Charter. Though
all students will receive the same case study, it is expected that each student will think about the project from
their own perspective as an up-and-coming project manager. Use your own style based on your critical
thinking of what it means for you to lead a project. That will help you formulate your unique Project Charter.
1. Read the case study provided by your lecturer. This will form the basis for your Project Charter, because
you will assume that you are the project manager for this project.
2. After reading the case study start developing your project charter. This needs to be a 2000-word report (+/-
10%) and must use a minimum of 6 references (academic literature and industry publications. The case study
is a 7th reference).
3. The Project Charter must include the following headings and be written as if you were presenting it to the
project team that will build this project. You are the project manager. The contents of the Charter are:
a. Background to the project
b. Reasons for the project
c. Project objectives
d. Constraints, limitations and risks
e. Leadership structure (project manager and his or her senior aides: list the roles and explain what each does
in the project. You need to cite 4 roles)
f. Project risks and their mitigation
g. Project stakeholders and how to interact with them
h. The vision of the project and the type of project team culture you wish to promote in your team
Output and Submission:
Submit your completed assessment by the end of the first week of Module 6 (Week 11) on Blackboard.
Learning Resources:
Elias, A. A. (2016). Stakeholder analysis for Lean Six Sigma project management. International Journal of
Lean Six Sigma.
Patanakul, P., Iewwongcharoen, B., & Milosevic, D. (2010). An empirical study on the use of project
management tools and techniques across project life-cycle and their impact on project success. Journal of
General management, 35(3), 41-66. cessPublished.pdf
Assessment Criteria:
The assessment will be graded using the Learning Rubrics below. This is an individual assignment and it is
worth 40%.
Learning Rubrics – Part A
Assessment Attributes Fail (0-49) Pass (50-64) Credit (6574) Distinction (75-84) High Distinction (85100)
Content, Audience and
25% Demonstrates no awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates limited
awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or
purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or
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purpose of the assignment. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and
purpose of the assignment.
Correct citation of key resources and evidence
25% Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop
There are mistakes in the APA style. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and
develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
There are no mistakes in the APA style. Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to
support and develop ideas.
There are no mistakes in the APA style. Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to
support and develop arguments and statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for
sourcing evidence
There are no mistakes in the APA style. Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to
support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within and without
the organisation for sourcing evidence
There are no mistakes in the APA style.
Effective written Communication
25% Difficult to understand with no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting
Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way
that is not always clear and logical. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear
flow of ideas and arguments.
Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the
presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.
Demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well
supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the
Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. topic, demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity
Effective use of diverse presentation aids, including graphics and multi-media.
Knowledge and understanding
25% Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge
Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the
research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Highly developed understanding of the field
or discipline/s.
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from
the research/course materials and extended reading.
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. A sophisticated understanding of the field
or discipline/s.
Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information
substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.

PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management


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