Project 1: Departmental Project: Strategic Plan Project Assignment:

Project 1: Departmental Project: Strategic Plan Project Assignment:.

Project 1: Departmental Project: Strategic Plan Project Assignment:
As a member of the Virtual Police Department’s Administrative Services Unit you have been called into a meeting with your supervisor, several other police commanders, and the Chief of the Virtual Police Department. This is what you are told by the head of the Criminal Intelligence Unit.
Several jurisdictions in the vicinity of Virtual have experiences “Flash Robs”. These are groups of teenagers and young adults, both men and women, who descend on a commercial store and, on a given signal, grab as much merchandise as they can carry and flee the store in mass. The size of the group and the quickness of their action made apprehension almost impossible for the overwhelmed store employees. Targeted stores range from sporting goods outlets, and electronic shops, to pharmacies and liquor stores. There is some evidence that the mob is organized by codes using social media. The Virtual Small Business Association is petitioning the Mayor for a plan to ensure these mobs to not attack the downtown business area. They are insisting on more police presence (particularly during peak business hours) and closer cooperation between the police and their own private security. The Chief has decided to form a 8-unit task force. This operation will be a collaborative effort involving both the Virtual Police Department and other appropriate “partner” agencies within the criminal justice system. The Administrative Services Unit will draw up the proposal for the Chief to take to the Mayor. Your supervisor gives this assignment to you.
Identifying 6 and only 6 departmental units that will be included in some manner on the task force from the Virtual Police Department Table of Organization chart. (See Virtual Police Table of Organization.)
NOTE: All of Patrol (Commanders A, B and C, Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, COPs and Patrol Officers) is 1 single unit. If patrol is selected as part of the task force the requirements in #2 below must be completed.
ALSO: Selection of a “Commander” (e.g., Special Operations Commander) as a Unit includes the official and their immediate office staff. It does not include each of the subordinate units.
2. For each of the 6 units selected from within the Virtual PD you are asked to:
a) Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular duties in a law enforcement agency
b) Explain why the unit was chosen for this task force, what role it will play on the task force
If more than 6 units in the Virtual Police Department have a potential role on this task force, you must select the 6 units having the most impact and/or being most useful in achieving the reduction in violent crime goal.
3. Additionally, you will identify 4 units in the Virtual Police Departmental units that will NOT be part of the task force. For each of these units not selected, you are asked to:
a) Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular duties in a law enforcement agency
b) Explain why it was NOT chosen for this task force. 4. To complete the 8 unit task force, you will also identify 2 non-departmental units from the criminal justice system that should be included in some manner on the task force
a) Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular duties in the criminal justice system
b) Explain why the unit was chosen for this task force, what role it will play on the task force
In order to present a convincing argument and demonstrate the depth of your research you must include supportive outside resources. You must acknowledge the outside resources (or course materials) using appropriate American Psychological Association (APA) citation format.
Again, the goal of this project is to give you an opportunity to determine, analyze and assess the role of various police department units, their relationship to other units, and how their skills can be applied to counter criminal activity. Therefore, each unit you discuss, must be supported by an appropriate reference, in APA format.

Project 1: Departmental Project: Strategic Plan Project Assignment:


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