propose a solution to a researched problem that focuses on a problem and that you find interesting, relevant, and possibly controversial.

propose a solution to a researched problem that focuses on a problem and that you find interesting, relevant, and possibly controversial..

propose a solution to a researched problem that focuses on a problem and that you find interesting, relevant, and possibly controversial. After having researched both sides of your
problem, you will propose a compromise (solution) – something both sides can live with. Your essay
should be typed, double-spaced, and in MLA format. Minimum length: 5 pages. Minimum number of
SCHOLARLY sources: 3; minimum total number of sources: 5. Point Value: 100 points. If your paper is
not at least five FULL pages (essay text, not including the Works Cited page or visuals, must be on the
sixth page) in length in proper MLA format (1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font), you will
If your paper does not use a minimum of 3 scholarly sources and a total of five sources, you will receive
Works Cited pages and in-text citations must be in MLA format; if there
is an obvious lack of attempting proper format, regardless of content, the paper will receive no more
than a 70%.
Students can NOT write about the following topics: abortion, ADD/ADHD drug over-prescription issues,
Affirmative Action, Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Birth Control in schools, Corporal Punishment,
Creationism/Evolution, Death Penalty, Dress codes (school uniforms), Drinking Age (Age of Consent),
Drug Legalization (Marijuana for medical use, etc.), English as Official Language, Gay marriage, Gun
Control, Illegal Immigration, Iraq War (was it justified, should we be there, WMD’s, etc.), Offensive Sports
Team Names (i.e “Sioux” and “Redskins”), Outsourcing, Prayer in schools (includes Pledge of Allegiance in
schools), Ritalin, etc., Senior citizens and their driving skills, Sex Education in schools, Smoking in Public
Issues, Speed Limits, Sports (athletes’) salaries, Sports stadiums, Stem Cell Research, Video Game Violence.
I would suggest that students find more relevant topics – fixing the KCMO school district, building a light
rail system in Kansas City, getting students at Longview involved with specific charities.

propose a solution to a researched problem that focuses on a problem and that you find interesting, relevant, and possibly controversial.


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