Public Law 94-142 (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) guarantees five things for students with disabilities: a free and appropriate education a fair and nondiscriminatory evaluation education in the least restrictive environment an individualized education plan (IEP) due process In five paragraphs, explain the implications of each of these for educational practice..
USE TEXTBOOK as source to obtain information ONLY!!!!! DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SOURCE
Answer question to topic CLEARLY and FULLY , expressing understanding from what you read in the textbook.
Educational Psychology: Developing Learners
Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Eric M. Anderman & Lynley Anderman, 2017
ISBN.13: 978-0-134-02726-5
Choose ONE topic below:
1.Public Law 94-142 (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) guarantees five things for students with disabilities: a free and appropriate education a fair and nondiscriminatory evaluation education in the least restrictive environment an individualized education plan (IEP) due process In five paragraphs, explain the implications of each of these for educational practice.
2.Describe what psychologists mean when they say that attention and working memory have a limited capacity. Discuss an implication of this limited capacity for students’ learning in the classroom.
3.Describe the role that each of the factors below play in students’ ability to solve problems. Illustrate the role of each with a concrete example. a. working memory capacity b. encoding c. metacognition