Reflecting on chapter 27’s readings, Marilyn Anne Roy’s bureaucratic caring theory describes different multidimensional and complex methods. The mechanisms are transcultural, and relating them is quite easy

Reflecting on chapter 27’s readings, Marilyn Anne Roy’s bureaucratic caring theory describes different multidimensional and complex methods. The mechanisms are transcultural, and relating them is quite easy.

Please respond to the two classmates responses. 150 work min for each.
Rolkin Petit Homme
Week 13 Discussion
Reflecting on chapter 27’s readings, Marilyn Anne Roy’s bureaucratic caring theory describes different multidimensional and complex methods. The mechanisms are transcultural, and relating them is quite easy. This theory emphasizes nursing in complex institutions and organizations like hospitals. From her theory, the thing that differentiates organizations as cultures depended on the organization’s anthropology and how individuals within the organizations behave (Ray, 2018). In the theory, Roy links change in complex institutions and organizations with the creative processes and dare nurses to rise and renew their insights about everyday events and figure out the embedded meaning in the organizations’ complexities. Besides, I understand that the theory tries to explain that nurses’ care entirely depends on the social setting surrounding the institution and the patient’s way of life. Further, Roy expresses that having social insurance that utilizes the bureaucratic approaches delivers the best care provisions.
Chapter 28 discusses Dr. Troutman-Jordan’s theory of successful aging. My understanding of this theory centers on successful aging in older adults. From the chapter, three procedures of the theory are described (Meredith, 2018). They include devoutness, practical execution procedures, and intra-mystic variables. Besides that, the theory also defines three processes; spirituality, intrapsychic, and functional performance mechanisms, as the factors that contribute to the complex processes of gerotranscedence and ultimately successful aging.
Meredith, T. (2018). Successful Aging From the Viewpoint of Older Adults. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. doi:10.1891/1541-6577.28.1.87
Ray, M. (2018). Bureaucratic Caring/Transtheoretical Evolution of Ray’s Theory of Bureaucratic Caring.
Aline charles
Chapter 27: Marilyn Anne Roy’s Theory of Bureaucratic Caring
The theory of bureaucratic caring developed by Dr. Marilyn Ray considers elements such as interpretation, analysis, and description in the caring circumstance. Smith and Parker (2014) affirmed that the theory integrates the theory’s relevance in administrative and clinical practice. The theory also illustrates the significance of ethical and spiritual caring in organization cultures (Smith & Parker, 2014). Since caring is the core element of the nursing profession, nurses need to make conscious efforts in their administrative and clinical practices. The theory has implications for contemporary nursing practice because of how healthcare activities are interwoven in the social, economic, legal, technical, and political fabric. Therefore, the theory enhances nurses’ understanding of the notion that despite their organizations’ bureaucratic orientations, they should utilize ethical and spiritual dimensions when providing care to patients.
Chapter 28: Troutman-Jordan’s Theory of Successful Aging
The theory of successful aging developed by Dr. Troutman-Jordan addresses successful aging and its accomplishments. According to Smith and Parker (2014), the theory of successful aging describes the process where individuals use various coping mechanisms while maintaining their spirituality, connectedness, and purpose in life. The theory suggests that aging is a progressive process, may be successful of unsuccessful, the self is not ageless, aging changes perspectives, and that choices influences successful aging (Smith & Parker, 2014). The emphasis of the successful aging theory was to improve the health and quality of life of older adults (Smith & Parker, 2014). The theory has implications for nursing practice. For example, it is critical to nurses because it helps them make individualized plans and interventions of successful aging in older adults. Nurses could participate in health promotion activities that help older adults age successfully.
Smith, M. & Parker, M. (2014). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. (4th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Smith, M. & Parker, M. (2014). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. (4th ed.).

Reflecting on chapter 27’s readings, Marilyn Anne Roy’s bureaucratic caring theory describes different multidimensional and complex methods. The mechanisms are transcultural, and relating them is quite easy


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