Relevance to Life: Construct a list of the top three concepts, skills, resources, and other concepts that you personally gained from in this course and that are most relevant to your life and a brief description of each.

Relevance to Life: Construct a list of the top three concepts, skills, resources, and other concepts that you personally gained from in this course and that are most relevant to your life and a brief description of each..

Relevance to Life: Construct a list of the top three concepts, skills, resources, and other concepts that you personally gained from in this course and that are most relevant to your life and a brief description of each. These could be knowledge, skills, or attitudes related to the course topic, related to your abilities as a graduate student, or other relevant learning for you professionally that has come from this course experience.
Future Learning: List two concepts, skills, resources, and so forth that you are still curious about now that the course is nearly completed and briefly describe how you plan to acquire learning with the items on your list.
Challenge/Success: Reflect in no more than one paragraph about the most memorable challenge you experienced during this course and your most memorable success. The challenges and successes may be related to your coursework, study experiences, or interactions with peers and the instructor. They might also be something more personal, such as an application of new concepts/knowledge or skills in your work environment or life generally.
Professional Development Plan: Explain in no more than one paragraph how you plan to use the concepts, skills, resources, and so forth from this course and/or specialization in your professional development.
I will upload all my assignments so you an answer these questions
I uploaded. chapter 1&2 you can use that as well

Relevance to Life: Construct a list of the top three concepts, skills, resources, and other concepts that you personally gained from in this course and that are most relevant to your life and a brief description of each.


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