Report Individual. Methodology Plan and Ethical Consideration

Report Individual. Methodology Plan and Ethical Consideration.

Assessment 4
Assessment type: Report Individual. Methodology Plan and Ethical Consideration — approximately 3,000
Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to present and justify appropriate method(s) for a
research project designed to address the research question posed. This assessment relates to learning
outcomes a, b and d.
Value: 50% (40% Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration, 10% Presentation 5 minutes including
question time.)
Due Date: Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration – Week 10, Sunday by I l .59pm
Presentations in class during tutorials – Week 1 1 or Week 12
Submission: Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration — upload a soft copy — Word .doc or .docx to
Moodle and Turnitin via links in Moodle. Oral Presentations — in class. Students are to hand a hard copy of
their visual aids to the teacher at the beginning of class.
Assessment topic: Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration
Task Details: There are two components of the assessment: Written part and Oral presentation
Based on the Research Question developed in Assessment 2, students should develop a research design aimed
at providing insights and/or answers to the question.
This assessment requires students to provide two alternative methodology to answer the research questions
5/1/2021 64784 – Assessment 4Assessment type: Report Individual. Methodology 3/5
and finally choose and justify the most appropriate research design, clearly explaining WHY the chosen
design will best answer the research question and is most appropriate in the specific circumstances. Students
should clearly justify their recommended research and analysis methods. Minimum 10 references are used
(six of those references should be a methodological references).
Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration will contain the following information:
Contents Length (word counts)
Project title: a brief descriptive summary of the proposed research topic. Max. 50 words
Research Questions and Research Objectives — present the research questions and objectives in bullet
points. 100 — 150 words
Alternative Methodology 1 — should consist of:
o Research Approach
Type of Data
Sampling Plan
Data Collection Plan
Data Analysis Plan
Advantages and Limitation of this alternative methodology
Ethical Consideration in using the methodology 1200 words
Alternative Methodology 2 — should consist of:
Research Approach
Type of Data
0 Sampling Plan
Data Collection Plan
Data Analysis Plan
Advantages and Limitation of this alternative methodology
Ethical Consideration in using the methodology 1200 words
Recommendation — discuss which one of the two methodology alternatives is the most suitable and feasible
and justify the reason. 400 words
Marks out of 40 will be awarded based on how well the following criteria is addressed:
Criteria % Marks
The suitability between the presented alternative methodologies with the research questions. 10%
Methodology Plan alternative 1 30%
Methodology Plan for alternative 2 30%
Ethical Consideration 10%
Recommendation 10%
Reference and Referencing skills 10%
Oral Presentation: Students are to present their methodological plan to the class as if the audiences had the
authority to grant approval for the research to ‘go ahead’. Oral presentation should be 5 minutes and supported
using appropriate visual aid (template is provided, downloadable from Moodle). Presentation is scheduled at
Week 11 and Week 12.
Contents No of page
Cover Pa e: Title of the report, Name and ID
Research Questions and Research Objectives — present the research questions and objectives in bullet
Alternative Methodology 1 — should consist of:
Research Approach
Type of Data
Sampling Plan
Data Collection Plan
Data Analysis Plan
Advantages and Limitation of this alternative methodology
Ethical Consideration in using the methodology 2
Alternative Methodology 2 — should consist of:
Research Approach
Type of Data
5/1/2021 64784 – Assessment 4Assessment type: Report Individual. Methodology 4/5
Sampling Plan
Data Collection Plan
Data Analysis Plan
Advantages and Limitation of this alternative methodology
Ethical Consideration in using the methodology 2
Recommendation — discuss which one of the two methodology alternatives is the most suitable and feasible
and •using the reason.
Marks out of 10 will be awarded based on how well the following criteria is addressed:
Criteria % Marks
Presentation Structure 20%
Accuracy of the information presented (should align with the information in the written report)
Communication and Presentation skills 20%
usual aids and presentation slides: use appropriate visual aids or other supporting tools 20%
Presentation duration: present all the required information within the described time frame.
Submission Details:
o Individual Assessment o Oral Presentations should be 5 minutes o The slides should be be supported using
appropriate visual, Presentation power point template is provided (downloadable from Moodle).
Students should not just read their proposal — students reading rather than presenting will find it difficult to
pass this part of the assessment.
o Presentation schedule Week I l and Week 12
Marking Rubric Assessment 4: Methodology Plan & Ethical Consideration – 40%

Report Individual. Methodology Plan and Ethical Consideration


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