Research and write an Academic Summary of Franz Kafka’s life in Prague, paying attention to the city’s anti-Semitism and Kafka’s relationship to his Judaism. How might this aspect of his biography have influenced the “Metamorphosis”?

Research and write an Academic Summary of Franz Kafka’s life in Prague, paying attention to the city’s anti-Semitism and Kafka’s relationship to his Judaism. How might this aspect of his biography have influenced the “Metamorphosis”?.

Read Franz Kafka and the “Metamorphosis” in Vol. 2 of the Norton Text.
Research and write an Academic Summary of Franz Kafka’s life in Prague, paying attention to the city’s anti-Semitism and Kafka’s relationship to his Judaism. How might this aspect of his biography have influenced the “Metamorphosis”?
In © 200 words write of plot summary (what happens) in the story.
The “very un-homelike” city of Prague both produced and trapped Franz Kafka, who explores the themes of alienation in his work. In (100) words explain how this is demonstrated.
The central oddness of the “Metamorphosis” is the lack of origin for the transformation. Scholars have combated the interpretation that Gregor’s metamorphosis is un-self-motivated through literary schools such as psychoanalysis and existentialism. Explain in (200) words these two concepts in relation to the work.
In © 100 words, explore and explain the scene in which Gregor reacts to his sister playing the violin. What does the scene imply for the story’s position on beauty and art?

Research and write an Academic Summary of Franz Kafka’s life in Prague, paying attention to the city’s anti-Semitism and Kafka’s relationship to his Judaism. How might this aspect of his biography have influenced the “Metamorphosis”?


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