Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold.
Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold. For such short essays, the thesis should either come immediately or at the end of a brief, 2-3 sentence introductory paragraph. You are not required to cite Ritzer or Royce in these responses, but if you do simply cite them as (Author pg #). You may cite the professor’s lectures as (GY).
1) What is Marx’s theory of history / historical change? Answer with reference to both The German Ideology and the Communist Manifesto. Cite the former as (GI pg #) and the latter as (CM pg #).
2) How are Marx’s concepts of alienation and commodity fetishism related to one another? Answer with reference to both Alienated Labor and Capital. Cite the former as (AL pg #) and the latter as (C pg #). Note that this question is fairly open-ended; feel free to be creative with your response, as long as you support your claims systematically with evidence from the texts.