Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold

Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold.

Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold. For such short essays, the thesis should either come immediately or at the end of a brief, 2-3 sentence introductory paragraph. You are not required to cite Ritzer or Royce in these responses, but if you do simply cite them as (Author pg #). You may cite the professor’s lectures as (GY).
1) What is Marx’s theory of history / historical change? Answer with reference to both The German Ideology and the Communist Manifesto. Cite the former as (GI pg #) and the latter as (CM pg #).
2) How are Marx’s concepts of alienation and commodity fetishism related to one another? Answer with reference to both Alienated Labor and Capital. Cite the former as (AL pg #) and the latter as (C pg #). Note that this question is fairly open-ended; feel free to be creative with your response, as long as you support your claims systematically with evidence from the texts.

Respond to the following two questions. Each response should take up 2 full pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, for a total of four pages (feel free to write a bit more if necessary). For each response, generate a single, one-sentence thesis statement and mark it in bold


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