Role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team

Role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team.

This is a paper that is focusing on the role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team

This assignment is asking you to take a leap forward to your role as the leader of a newly developed environmental sustainability team at a K–6 school. Prior to the establishment of this team, the educational setting has not had a focus on sustainability. A number of staff have been resistant to the inclusion of sustainable initiatives due to concerns over workload and an already ‘crowded curriculum’. You are to work with your team to develop a variety of school-wide initiatives that integrate concepts of sustainability and formalise this thinking into a professional report.

The purpose of this report is to on-board staff, inform families, guide teachers and students. Also, make the community aware of the aims and practices of the school. Formalising this thinking and practice means that this report can also be used for award and grant applications to demonstrate the schools progress and commitment to environmental sustainability.

Role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team

This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 3, 4 and 5. A typical report investigates, describes, and analyses information in a thorough and logical manner. This information is then present in a clear report format. Some features which typify a report format include: numbered sections and/or with headings, a contents page, information presented with images, tables, or diagrams, short paragraphs, and objective language.

Your report should adhere to the following format and include the required information set out: Title page and presentation. Create a title page for your report that includes the following: Title of the report. Author (yourself). Date. You can make choices about the professional presentation of your report making sure it’s professional and clear. Executive summary This is a snapshot of the whole report. Its purpose is for the reader to become familiarised with the report’s content without needing to read the entire document. Background and context Describe the school context such as location, how many students, grades, unique features, etc.


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Role of a leader in a newly developed environmental sustainability team


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