Science Reported in Media vs. Scholarly Sources

Science Reported in Media vs. Scholarly Sources.

You must find an article from an acceptable newspaper or news magazine or other popular media news source
that specifically describes the contents of a published scientific research experiment (of a
physical/measurable/observable nature, and not theoretical modeling) on any of the appropriate research topics
(see page 1). Note that websites which only ‘explain concepts’ in general (eg: How do rainbows form? How
does light split into colours? etc) are NOT suitable for this project, as they are not analyzing newly published
For help with ideas about appropriate key words to use when searching the media sources, look to the general
topics listed in the Schedule. Or, alternatively, you can also simply browse the most recent news stories posted at
these media news sources, in the allowed date range, to find one on a suitable topic.
The following are some examples of acceptable media sources for this project: , Science News, Astronomy News, Science Daily, SciTechDaily, Universal-Sci, Science News Online,
Astronomy Magazine, Universe Today, Portal to the Universe, Science/AAAS, Nature, CBC News: Technology
& Science, Scientific American, Popular Science, National Geographic News, Science and Technology for
Canadians, Maclean’s Magazine, The Toronto Star, Globe and Mail; plus many others!
Media articles must be at least 800 words in length (though longer is better), and should focus on one primary
original research experiment/study rather than discussing the results of many different experiments (and/or
theoretical papers).
Having found the media article, you must now find the original (primary) scholarly article in which this research
was first reported. The media article itself should mention the names of the researchers (who may or may not be
the authors of the actual media article itself), the title of their original research article (as published in the
scholarly journal), and where it was originally published.
Stage 4: Your Report: Comparing the Science in Media and Scholarly Articles
After reading both the media and the scholarly article, you will now compare them in your own written report.
To be complete, your report must address all of the following questions.
More information is in the attached files

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Science Reported in Media vs. Scholarly Sources


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